Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Wanita Seksi Rambut Pirang ‎

Berlibur di pulau indah dengan pelayanan gadis-gadis berambut pirang pasti terasa unik. Sebuah perusahaan jasa wisata mengumumkan rencana untuk membuka resor liburan di Maldives yang seluruh stafnya terdiri dari gadis-gadis berambut pirang. Ini dilakukan untuk mematahkan stereotipe gadis pirang: kurang pintar.

"Gadis-gadis kami sangat cerdas dan semuanya memiliki gelar. Mereka semua ingin melakukan sesuatu dengan hidupnya. Mereka juga banyak memiliki ide bisnis," kata Giedre Pukiene, salah satu orang penting di balik proyek tersebut, seperti dikutip dari Telegraph. Giedre juga berambut pirang.

Fasilitas dalam resor ini bukan hanya standar pelayanan tempat liburan. Para tamu juga bisa mengakses 'pusat pendidikan', tempat para pelayan berambut pirang diberikan pelatihan tentang cara tampil sempurna dan terlihat hebat.

Resor yang dikembangkan The Olialia Development itu kabarnya mendapat sokongan dana dari sejumlah investor dari Inggris, Rusia dan Jerman. Resor yang berada di sebuah pulau privat di kepulauan tropis Samudera Hindia itu ditargetkan siap beroperasi pada 2015.

Demi kenyamanan wisatawan papan atas, resor ini akan dilengkapi dengan jasa penerbangan dan layanan kapal pesiar khusus menuju pulau pribadi.

Pengelola pariwisata di Kepulauan Maldives tidak keberatan dengan rencana tersebut. Hanya, muncul kekhawatiran adanya perbedaan pendapat antara pihak moderat dan konservatif di negara Islam tersebut.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Success For Mobile Game

Download Apk -Windows 7 Phone staying digadang has a myriad of advantages over other mobile operating systems, especially for business playing games. In a brief interview, vice president of Epic Games Mark Rein, is optimistic that the system would be successful as a mobile gaming.

"They (Microsoft-red.) has been investing quite serious for Windows Phone 7. And I'm sure, the operating system is capable of bridging the social aspects of the Xbox 360 with Xbox live," said Rein.

Attendance Phone Windows 7 that no longer is not without obstacles. Various operating systems are ready to manage Microsoft's strength in the smart phone industry, call it Android.

"I think Google is not a serious opponent. Moreover anyone can freely mengoprek Android and add all sorts of bloatware, for me it is not a good thing," Rein added.

Windows 7 Phone sliding scheduled October 11, 2010 in New York, local time. Reportedly the latest mobile OS-based devices that Microsoft would have visited around the world in the next few weeks after its release

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Citizen Watch on Tegallega

Tens of thousands of residents have crowded the field Tegallega Bandung on Sunday (3 / 10) afternoon. Parents, youth, and children were there waiting digelarnya tumplek Inbox SCTV Award 2010-3, while the new show starts at 13:00 broadcast live on television station SCTV.

Although the weather was overcast and occasional drizzle, the audience remained loyal to wait. One of the residents, Nina (32), who came with her husband and two sons, looked ready with his umbrella. Even they had to eat instant noodles boiled while waiting for a main event.

"Yes ga nothing riweuh little, once a year while take recreation," said Astana Anyar female residents are now found in Tegellega, Sunday (3 / 10).

As reported earlier in the event Inbox Awards will present 20 bands famous, such as Purple, ST12, TRIAD, Afgan, Green Leaves, Ridho Rhoma, Vierra, Mayor, Lyla, T2, Box, Marvel, Charlie's Angels, Tombs, Blackout, Saint Locco , Drive, and Five Minutes it appears to enliven the third Inbox Awards.

Additionally, it will appear also eight host of the show, Ivan Gunawan, Gading Marten, Andhika Pratt, Aja Farid, Reza No, Andhara Early, Ayu Hastari, and Tarra Budiman.