Sunday, January 31, 2010

Soraya excites in new horror movie

Actress Andi Soraya plays a seductive student in her newest risqu* horror movie, taking cues from singer Jennifer Lopez' almost a-decade-old music video.

As the lead role in Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan (Ghost of the Peak of the Coming Month), she impersonates a student who lives in a kos (boarding house) and moonlights in a nightclub.

"I'm the lead role. The story centers around boarding house that was once a murder scene," she said as quoted by newsportal

When she played her shower scene, in which she takes of her brassiere, Andi Soraya said was inspired by Lopez' 2001 music video Love Don't Cost a Thing.

"J-Lo did it on the beach, while I did it in the bathroom. That doesn't seem vulgar because it's in the bathroom," she said.

Andi added there were many steamy scenes in the movie because she had to seduce the guy she liked in the script.

The take for the sex scene was the longest she has ever had, she went on. From lunchtime to dinner, Andi said.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Angelina and Brad were actually out to dinner together in Los Angeles

Angelina Jolie Brad Pit Split, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have begun to fight back against rumours of an alleged £205million split.

Sources told People magazine - the publication which broke the news of Angeliina Jolie's pregnancies and published picture exclusives of the couple's six children - that they were not losing sleep over the reports.

The couple of nearly five years were actually having an intimate dinner and enjoying some quiet time together on the night the report emerged, the magazine claims.

'Angelina and Brad were actually out to dinner together in Los Angeles when the rumour broke,' says the source.

'That's how ridiculous the story is.'

But insiders insist that the duo saw their legal team to prepare the equivalent of a prenuptial agreement - not to split up.

Although a split could still be on the cards, the insider notes.

'Brad and Angelina had a meeting with a top law firm in LA in December, where they worked out terms of a legal document similar to a pre-nup,' a source told American magazine Life & Style.

'The couple signed the document in early January. They agreed to share their money and assets and custody of their six children, all of whom would live with Angelina in the event of their parents’ breakup.

They didn’t talk to the lawyer about splitting, nor was that ever mentioned at the meeting.

'They were snippy with each other during the meeting,' added a second source. 'Brad and Angelina aren’t splitting right now.

'Will they be together forever as a couple? Probably not. It’ll run its course, but I think they’re fine - for now.'

Pitt, 46, is said to have spent £700,000 on the house, complete with a cave, in the Hollywood Hills.

And although Brangelina have in the past been reluctant to address the many rumours which surround their intensely watched relationship, it seems that they have begun a quiet campaign to rebuff them.

Currently, the pair are sharing family time in Los Angeles with their kids Maddox, eight; Pax, six; Zahara, five; Shiloh, three; and twins Vivienne and Knox, 18 months.

People magazine also reported that at present the couple have no plans to attend the forthcoming Academy Awards due to filming schedules.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Masalah Setelah Gempa Haiti

Video Gempa Haiti sedang saya coba dorong di mesun pencari ini agar orang bisa membaca serta memahami bagaimana gempa Haiti ini terjadi. dengan melihat Video gempa Haiti diharkan kita akan semakin menjadi orang yang berguna serta menjadi orang yangbaik dan makin baik untuk selanjutnya. berita tentang Gempa Haiti tersebut belum hasbis sampai saat ini.

Krisis kemanusiaan kian parah di Port-au-Prince, ibukota Haiti pascagempa dahsyat. Akibatnya ribuan warga Port-au-Prince berbondong-bondong meninggalkan ibukota yang luluh-lantak diterjang gempa. Warga ingin kabur dari kelaparan dan kekerasan yang merajalela di ibukota. Mereka berharap bantuan pangan akan lebih mudah didapat di kota-kota kecil.
Namun bukan hal mudah untuk pergi meninggalkan ibukota. Dikarenakan bahan bakar sulit diperoleh, para sopir bus pun menaikkan harga ongkos bus. Ini tentu berat bagi sebagian besar warga Haiti yang hidup dalam kemiskinan. “Ribuan dan ribuan orang pergi, saya tak pernah melihat eksodus seperti ini, bahkan di saat Natal,” kata sopir bus, Garette Saint-Julien seperti dilansir International Herald Tribune, Selasa (19/1).
Kebanyakan mereka yang meninggalkan Port-au-Prince mengatakan akan pergi ke peternakan-peternakan kecil milik kerabat mereka. Sebab di ibukota Haiti itu, mereka mulai kelaparan karena bantuan asing belum juga menjangkau semua korban gempa yang selamat.
“Kami tak lagi punya makanan dan rumah, jadi satu-satunya hal yang dilakukan adalah pergi dari sini,” ujar Livena Livel, seorang pedagang kaki lima yang akan pergi ke rumah ayahnya di Kota Les Cayes, sekitar empat jam dari Port-au-Prince.
Aksi penjarahan dan kekerasan kian marak di Port-au-Prince sejak gempa dahsyat yang mengguncang Haiti pada 12 Januari lalu. Gempa berkekuatan 7 Skala Richter itu merupakan gempa terdahsyat di negara miskin Karibia itu dalam waktu 200 tahun.
Sementara itu, Sekjend PBB Ban Ki-moon meminta Dewan Keamanan (DK) PBB untuk menyetujui penambahan 3.500 pasukan penjaga perdamaian di Haiti –penambahan hampir 40 persen– untuk membantu mengatasi kekacauan menyusul gempa bumi pekan lalu.
Beberapa diplomat mengatakan mereka memperkirakan voting di DK PBB yang memiliki 15 anggota itu akan mensahkan tambahan sementara pasukan untuk misi PBB di Haiti, yang dikenal dengan sebutan MINUSTAH itu, dan memperkirakan bahwa permintaan Ban tersebut akan dipenuhi sepenuhnya.
“Angota-anggota dewan telah menyampaikan dukungan mereka pada usul sekjend untuk menambah jumlah keseluruhan anggota MINUSTAH guna membantu upaya pemulihan segera kestabilan di Haiti,” kata Duta Besar China Zhang Yesui, yang menjabat sebagai presiden DK PBB bulan ini, kepada wartawan. “Para anggota dewan telah bekerja sangat keras bagi tanggapan cepat atas usul itu,” tambahnya.
Ban, yang berbicara kepada wartawan setelah berpidato pada sidang tertutup DK PBB dalam lawatan enam jam yang ia lakukan ke Haiti menyatakan bala bantuan penjaga perdamaian dengan 2.000 lagi tentara dan 1.500 polisi itu akan ada selama enam bulan.
“Pemandangan memilukan yang saya lihat kemarin memaksa kami untuk bertindak dengan cepat,” kata Ban. Ia sebelumnya mengatakan kepada DK PBB bahwa kesulitan dalam membagikan bantuan dapat menyebabkan keamanan memburuk
Beberapa diplomat menyatakan sekelompok anggota Dewan Keamanan telah menyusun resolusi untuk menyetujui penambahan yang diusulkan bagi MINUSTAH. Mereka mengatakan penangguhan dalam pemilihan hingga Selasa adalah untuk memungkinkan pemerintah dari anggota-anggota dewan meninjaunya kembali.
Jumlah penjaga perdamaian di Haiti sekarang ini sedikit di atas 9.000 personil. Usul Ban akan membuat jumlahnya menjadi lebih dari 12.500 personil — semuanya 8.940 tentara dan 3.711 polisi. Jumlah 3.500 personil yang diusulkan Ban itu lebih dari 1.250 penjaga perdamaian tambahan yang para pejabat PBB bicarakan Ahad, yang memberi kesan bahwa tantangannya sekarang dianggap lebih besar ketimbang sebelumnya.
Prancis Kritik Peran Dominan AS di Haiti
Seorang menteri Prancis mengkritik peran Amerika Serikat (AS) di Haiti pascagempa dahsyat pekan lalu. Dia mendesak PBB untuk menyelidiki peran dominan AS di negeri miskin Karibia itu. Ditegaskan Menteri Kerjasama Prancis Alain Joyandet, upaya bantuan internasional adalah soal membantu Haiti, bukan “menduduki” negara itu.
“Ini soal membantu Haiti, bukan soal menduduki Haiti,” cetus Joyandet pada radio Prancis seperti dilansir harian Sydney Morning Herald, Selasa (19/1).
Militer AS saat ini mengendalikan bandara Port-au-Prince yang cuma memiliki satu landasan pacu yang masih berfungsi dan digunakan dalam operasi bantuan. Kendali AS atas bandara Haiti itu telah menuai protes negara-negara lain.
Sebelumnya 250 warga AS diterbangkan ke Pangkalan Angkatan Udara McGuire di New Jersey, AS dengan menggunakan tiga pesawat militer dari Haiti. Pasukan AS awalnya melarang warga negara Prancis dan Kanada menaiki pesawat-pesawat itu. Namun kemudian mereka dibolehkan naik setelah diprotes oleh pejabat-pejabat pemerintah Prancis dan dan Kanada.
Dicetuskan Joyandet, dirinya berharap PBB membuat keputusan mengenai bagaimana pemerintah-pemerintah asing bekerjasama di Haiti. Dia berharap akan mendapat kejelasan menyangkut perang AS di Haiti. Menteri Luar Negeri AS Hillary Clinton telah menyatakan, pemerintah AS tak punya niat mengambil alih kekuasaan dari pemerintah Haiti. “Kami bekerja untuk mendukung mereka, bukann untuk menggantikan mereka,” tegas Hillary.
Seminggu Berlalu, Tim SAR AS Temukan 10 Korban Selamat
Sudah seminggu gempa Haiti berlalu, namun Tim SAR masih menemukan sejumlah korban. Tim SAR asal AS berhasil menarik sepuluh korban selamat dalam reruntuhan di ibukota Port-au-Prince Senin (18/1) waktu setempat.
“Menurut petugas SAR, ini adalah jumlah terbesar dalam penyelamatan satu hari, selama usaha SAR terhadap gempa bumi beberapa dekade terakhir,” kata USAID seperti dilansir AFP.
Korban selamat ditemukan oleh tiga Tim SAR AS yang berasal dari Los Angeles, Miami dan Florida. Empat Tim SAR AS dari Fairfax dan Virginia juga bekerja di ibukota Port-au-Prince.
USAID mengatakan di awal Senin, 39 orang berhasil diselamatkan oleh lebih dari 500 anggota Tim SAR AS di Haiti. Sementara 71 lainnya diselamatkan Tim SAR internasional. USAID menambahkan, timnya akan mencari korban selamat di ibukota Port-au-Prince untuk kemudian dilanjutkan dengan ‘full rescue mode’ pada Selasa.
“Kami berharap akan menemukan lebih banyak korban selamat,” kata USAID Senior Regional Adviser, Tim Callaghan. Petugas menjelaskan Senin, 43 Tim SAR internasional yang berisi 1.739 petugas dan 161 anjing pelacak telah merambah 60 persen daerah dengan kerusakan terparah akibat gempa yang mengguncang 12 Januari lalu

Saturday, January 23, 2010

widyawati Raih Penghargaan

Sinopsis Film Perempuan Berkalung Sorban Movie Video Trailer yang cukup mengundang perhatian masyarakat kita ini, merupakan salah sebuah film yang layak kita tonton.Widyawati raih penghargaan sebagai Best Supporting Actress dalam film Perempuan Berkalung Sorban di ajang Asia Pacific Film Festival (APFF) di Taiwan.

Film Perempuan berkalung Sorban telah membuat Istri almarhum aktor Sophan Sophiaan itu mengaku sangat antusias menerima penghargaan tersebut. Baginya, penghargaan itu sebagai pertanda film Indonesia sudah dihargai di negara lain.

"Buat saya ini penghargaan untuk kita semua, untuk insan perfilman. Film itu kan berdasarkan penilaian secara keseluruhan, lain dengan olahraga," terang Widyawati yang ditemui di gedung PPHUI, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan, Senin (28/12).

Penghargaan ini terasa lengkap untuk Widyawati, karena di ajang FFI 2009, Sophan Sophiaan mendapatkan penghargaan Special Achivement.

"Saya jadi flashback, beberapa puluh tahun sebelum kami menikah, Mas Shopan juga mendapatkan Most Popular Actor di Taiwan. Dan terakhir di FFI mendapatkan Achivement," kata Widyawati bangga.

Meski kini sudah tidak ditemani Sophan, namun Widyawati masih semangat bermain film.

"Saya menjalani hidup apa adanya saja, mengalir. Jika ditawarkan peran saya lihat dulu. Saya lihat ceritanya seperti apa dan perannya seperti apa," ujarya.

Acara APFF itu berlangsung pada 16-20 Desember 2009, di Taiwan. Selain Widyawati, film Laskar Pelangi mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai Best Picture. Sedangkan film Jamila dan Sang Presiden mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai Best Music.

Friday, January 22, 2010

The New Dell Inspiron Mini 10

Apk Download - I managed to track down one of those shiny new next-generation Dell Inspiron Mini 10 models today. While the new netbook bears the same name as its predecessor, Dell has given the line a pretty significant overhaul. Not only does the new Mini 10 have a 1.66GHz Intel Atom Pine Trail CPU, but the keyboard also has more space between the keys, the battery sits flush with the base of the unit whether you have a 3 or 6 cell battery, and when the screen is open, it doesn’t sit quite flush with the back edge of the netbook.

The touchpad has also been retooled a bit. The new version seems a bit smaller than the old touchpad. But Dell is still integrating the left and right buttons directly into the touchpad.

As with earlier Dell models, it looks like you’ll have to open up your computer if you want to replace or upgrade the memory or other components. I didn’t see any access panels on the base of the netbook.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Soccer Jerseys Still Popular Despite Credit Crunch

Soccer jerseys are now one of the most popular sportswear items in the world and this is purely down to the massive and ever increasing popularity of the sport. Soccer really has become the number one supported sport in the world which has increased fans interest in different soccer jerseys. Every team has at least a home and away jersey but many often have a 3rd jersey, usually used for playing in some sort of competition like the Champions League.

Most fans buy at least one of the jerseys for their club sometimes getting the name and number of their favourite players on the back of their jersey, or indeed their own custom name and number. What has been increasing though is the interest in not just your teams but also other teams jerseys from around the world, with Premiership soccer jerseys in particular being very popular at the moment largely due to the fame of players like Cristiano Ronaldo and Fernando Torres.

The top teams in the world usually change their jerseys either every year or every two years meaning that the designs are always having to change. One of the biggest changes we have seen over the last few years is the move towards synthetic materials for making jerseys. Soccer jerseys had previously been made of cotton but this stuck to players when they began to sweat so new materials have been developed for the jerseys that make them absorb less moisture which makes it more comfortable to wear whilst playing soccer.

Major international competitions like the World Cup are major sporting events on the soccer calendar and give fans the chance to support their country. International soccer jerseys are very popular throughout the competitions as it allows fans to show their support for their country or their favourite player.

The top football jersey manufacturers in the world are Nike, Adidas, Umbro and Puma but more and more manufacturers are starting to come on the scene most notably the like of Lotto and Canterbury have began to grab themselves a foothold in the market.

With the soccer season just finishing we are just about to get to the time of year when the new jerseys are getting released. A lot of the new soccer jerseys will be available for pre-order at the moment with the official release date likely to be towards the end of June for most shirts.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Meet the Weathermatic CT70 Rotary Sprinkler

The Weathermatic CT70 rotary sprinkler is a gear driven rotor sprinkler for use with large turf areas. This is an upgraded rotary sprinkler and has more capacity to handle business areas like parks, schools and other community buildings. The Weathermatic CT70 Rotary Sprinkler is four inches in pop-up height. It has one inch female thread inlet on the bottom and a rubber cover for safety. It also comes with a safety clutch that prevents gear stripping whenever you start turning the turret by hand. This style of rotary sprinkler is a part circle model and it can adjust from 40 degrees to 360 degrees.

The Weathermatic CT70 rotary sprinkler also has an internal screen, a wiper seal, a stainless steel spring and adjustment screw. The sprinkler set comes with five nozzles, a well oiled drive unit and a built-in check valve. There are some protective parts to the rotary sprinkler, like a cover lock that protects against vandalism and a non-potable cover, for use with systems that use reclaimed water. Lastly, there is a stainless steel sleeve that protects pop up riser stem.

Now that you know the specifications of the Weathermatic CT70 rotary sprinkler system, what does all of this mean? Rotary sprinklers are a type of garden or lawn sprinkler and spray water from the tips of two or three spray arms. These arms spin as the sprinkler waters the entire site. Depending on what type of rotary sprinkler you buy, these arms may be fixed or have adjustable tips. Weathermatic CT70 rotary sprinkler system is designed for large turf areas, which is unusual, since most rotary sprinklers are made for small to medium sized areas. Deluxe units for rotary sprinklers provide three adjustments: mist or jet spray by turning the nozzles, or a spray diameter which is made possible by swiveling the nozzles in or out; or by stationary watering.

The Weathermatic CT70 rotary sprinkler has extended bearing surface area heavy duty bearings. This allows the part to offer extended life span and protection from winterizing procedures that use compressed air. This unit also has an exclusive Tri-Port nozzle which enhances the water pattern with its different levels like close, mid, and long range uniformity.

If you are interested in the Weathermatic CT70 rotary sprinkler then it’s best to contact the company for specifics on performance and sizing. After all, if you have a system large enough to require a head like this, then you are undertaking a massive job. It’s best to communicate with the factory or at least an authorized distributor of the product. The company recommends that have a design prepared by a professional designer who has experience in creating large turf sprinkler systems.

The Weathermatic CT70 rotary sprinkler is classified as a smart irrigation product. Smart irrigation can reduce your water usage, reduce your bills and practically eliminate harmful runoff. For more information on the Weathermatic CT70 rotary sprinkler visit the official website or look for an authorized dealer in your local area.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

How to Enhance Your Vacation

The majority of people look to have the perfect vacation when they take time off work today. The world is an extremely stressful place these days and it can be difficult to relax when at home as a result. The stresses and strains of modern day life can really cause problems regarding the health of most individuals as well as affecting family life and personal relationships. It is therefore essential that anyone travelling to get away for a week do just that. Travel success is much sought after, but it is up to you to go out and get it.

The perfect vacation should have several qualities. All are the same for everybody in terms of the travel success tip, but there is no one solution for everyone. You really have to examine what it is that you want from your vacation in order to achieve travel success. So without further ado, here are the tips that can make the perfect vacation for you:

• What are your main interests? – If you hate lying on a beach for hours on end and feel bored just thinking about it then a beach holiday would not make the perfect vacation for you! Travel success is all about enjoyment and having fun so you need to assess what sort of activities will make you happy and ensure that you forget about the world at home for a while. If you love culture then go for a city break to somewhere like Florence in Italy or Dublin in Ireland. If you do like a beach break then Cancun, Mexico or Montego Bay in Jamaica may fulfil your needs. Choose wisely and enjoy yourself for a while.

• Decide upon your budget – Travel success is all about relieving stress so the perfect vacation will not cause you financial difficulties and the stress that brings when you get back! If you formulate a budget that highlights what you can afford to spend and stick to it then you can do as you please within that boundary and still be comfortable when you get home.

• Decide who you want to take with you – Taking the whole family with you may be as stressful as if you were at work but simply taking your partner and your children would allow you to have the perfect vacation and achieve travel success. Travel success is spending time with your immediate family and/or partner because you may not see them from day to day back in the real world so create some sort of idyll for yourself!

• Prepare in advance – There is nothing worse than leaving the preparation and packing until the last minute because you are bound to forget something. Making preparations well in advance will set you well on the way to achieving travel success and the perfect vacation! Make a list and pack exactly what you need without the extras and then you can settle into your vacation without stress and hassle!

Travel success is not hard to achieve, but improper planning and poor judgement can make it the vacation from hell. If you only get a few weeks off a year to enjoy yourself then be sure to make the most of them with travel success!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Healthcare Infrastructure Driving Medical Tourism in Malaysia

According to our new research report titled "Malaysia Medical Tourism Outlook 2012", medical tourist arrivals in Malaysia will continue growing at fast pace. With the developed healthcare infrastructure, medical tourist arrivals in Malaysia are forecasted to grow at a CAGR of over 23% between 2009 and 2012.

As per our findings, Malaysia has one of the most developed health care infrastructures in the region and is considered as the paradise for healthcare facilities and hospitals. Malaysia presents a tough competition to its regional rivals in terms of cost and is much superior in terms of healthcare services, healthcare infrastructure, English speaking staff, foreign-trained specialist doctors, and strict government regulations on maintaining high standards of healthcare delivery systems. With all these advantages, Malaysia appears as the most promising market for medical tourism.

Moreover, the report says that better services at private hospitals in Malaysia are also fueling the growth of medical tourism in Malaysia. Here it is noted that healthcare system is Malaysia is dominated by private hospitals. At the end of 2008, there were 144 public hospitals and 224 private hospitals in Malaysia, which means private hospitals accounts more than 60% of total number of hospitals in the kingdom. Increasing healthcare expenditure in Malaysia is the major driving factor behind the growth of private hospitals infrastructure. The total healthcare expenditure grew at a CAGR of 13.7% from 2003 to 2008, reaching US$ 7.6 Billion in 2008.

Our research report "Malaysia Medical Tourism Outlook 2012" provides an in-depth analysis of the present and future prospects of the Malaysian medical tourism industry. It looks into Malaysia's medical tourism industry in detail with the focus on different parameters like inbound tourism, expenditure by inbound tourists, healthcare infrastructure, etc. This report provides strategic insight to clients so that they can evaluate the opportunities for their success in the Malaysian medical tourism industry.

The research also features forecast on vital industry segments, including forecast for ASEAN tourism, international tourist arrivals, international tourism receipts, medical tourist arrivals and medical tourism receipts.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Samsung launches cheap touchscreen Corby Pop

Samsung Corby, Indian media learned about Samsung plans to market a cheap touch phone Corby Pop. Priced at 7000 rupees (about $ 150) Corby Pop will have a 1.3-megapixel camera, 22 MB internal memory, FM-radio with recording capability and 960 mAh battery which can work out of talk about 8 hours. In addition to widgets for popular social networks, Corby Pop will include pre-Internet Messenger Palringo, widespread among Indian users.

Corby Samsung series immediately gained popularity in the Indian market thanks to the touchscreen and applications of social networks, as well as the colorful outer shell, which caused a real stir among the young.

New Samsung Corby - replacement of multicolored telephone housings. Choose a color: orange, yellow, pink, white or black ... classic. Each of them accompanied by a replaceable casing, so. fashion jacket, which is distinguished by a unique pattern. And if you desire to merge with the crowd, simply replace your color to a simple black casing, which is also found in the package.
What color is your life? Have a new phone Samsung Corby
Why Samsung Corby?

Corby touch is equipped with a 2.8-inch QVGA screen, which allows watching videos online, while four areas of work and using the EDGE network allow users to contact Samsung Corby with the world,opportunities for communication. Users have direct access to social networking sites. Can update your status and view the status of portals friends Facebook, MySpace and Twitter by the simple function of sending a message pop-up to the SNS (Social Networking Service, Social Services). It also supports various social networks through the integration of the leading content sites such as YouTube, Flickr, Picasa, Photobucket and other popular sites HNS directly to the user interface of the phone. Users can upload videos and photos on these pages thanks to the sharing of images.

Fashionable touch

Samsung is equipped with Corby Touchwiz user interface in version 2.0 and the system feel a short vibration to confirm, so the phone service is pleasantly simple and intuitive. You can adjust the device and the interface to your liking with useful applications and widgetom, managed a simple drag and drop. Users also gain access to a substantial library of applications and widgets through the built-in services from Samsung. Phone also offers' one-finger zoom (zoom in one movement) and "unlock smart" (smart unlock), based on unique Samsung technology. "One finger zoom" allows the user to zoom in and retreat on the screen, while the "Smart unlock" allows you to unlock your phone and use the menu on the screen by drawing the selected letter of the alphabet.

Phone available in retail stores from October. Suggested retail price: 579 PLN

Samsung Corby (S3650) - product

Network EDGE / GPRS, quad (850/900/1800/1900MHz)
Touchscreen Display 2.8 "240x320 262K TFT
Camera 2 megapixel CMOS sensor with smile detection
H.263 video, MPEG4, WMV, 320x240 video recording
Sound FM Radio with RDS, MP3, AAC, AAC +, WMA, 64-chord polyphony, headphone jack 3.5mm
Changeable Covers additional functions, and 3 in each set - color, black and woods, with direct access to social networking sites, youth on the menu (in addition), WWW browser, online widgets, RSS reader, music recognition, Picture editor, SyncML
USB 2.0, BT 2.1 with EDR
90mb memory + microSD (up to 8GB)
Size 103 x 56.5 x 12.0 mm
Weight 93G
Battery 960mAh

Friday, January 8, 2010

Ways to Get High Google Rankings

Berita Otomotif,Getting your website to rank high on Google organic search result listings is like getting free advertising for your website. The organic listings cannot be bought and your website can only appear on it through proper optimization (SEO). SEO is the bedrock for online marketing and all webmasters should optimize their websites right from the beginning. This is the reason why web masters takes help of link building services and the services to buy high PR links.

By getting high Google rankings, it will bring you more visitors and probably new customers too. In this article, let me share with you 5 ways to get high Google rankings:

1. Develop the right keyword list. Targeting the right keyword is the key to SEO success. If you optimize the wrong keyword, there will be no conversion.

2. Use unique Title and Meta Description for every page of your website. The keywords that you place in your Title and Meta tags should be relevant to the content of the page. The Title tag is like a book title; it tells the search engines what the page is about. Therefore, it is extremely important for you to use relevant titles for every page of your website.

3. Write good content and place it on your website. Content is king in SEO. Good content can be in the form of words, videos, audio, widgets, etc. Your objective is to provide value to your visitors and turn your website into a link bait. With good content, other webmasters will start linking to you and this will increase your website link popularity. Link popularity is one of the key factors for SEO success, so do not overlook it.

4. Good SEO copywriting. Adding keywords in the right place will help increase the visibility of the keywords. But, you need to be careful with this approach. Stuffing too many keywords within the content will make Google thinks that you are spamming them. So no matter what, always consider the human element. Write for human to read instead of Google.

5. Build more back links. link building services increases your website link popularity which will help it to get higher rankings on Google. You can build links through article marketing, press release submission, link exchange with other webmasters, directory submission and social book marking.

These are some of the things that you should do to get high Google rankings. SEO takes time, especially link building services. You need to work on it consistently to see results. Develop your link building strategy plan and work on it religiously. Good luck!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Dua Model Baru Samsung

Samsung Corby dan Baru saja Samsung mengumumkan ponsel terbarunya M5650 Lindy yang diklaim sebagai saudara kembar dari Samsung Corby S3650. Kini Samsung kembali mengumumkan dua ponsel terbarunya sekaligus yang juga memakai nama Corby.

Tidak jauh berbeda dari konsep desain yang diusung pada Samsung Corby S3650. Kedua ponsel terbaru yang juga mengenakan nama Corby terlihat sangat mirip dengan Samsung Corby S3650. Perbedaannya terlihat pada penambahan Sliding Keyboard Qwerty yang membuat kedua ponsel terbaru Corby itu tampil lebih keren dan gaya dibanding pendahulunya.

Samsung CorbyPlus B3410 mengusung layar 2,6 inci QVGA TFT touchscreen, kamera 2MP dengan 4x digital zoom, Quad-band GSM 850/900/1800/1900Mhz, GPRS/WAP, memori internal 20MB, slot kartu memori microSD (up to 8GB), DNSe, Music Player, FM Radio dan juga Bluetooth 2.1.

Sedangkan, Samsung CorbyPro B5310 menghadirkan layar QVGA touchscreen, kamera 3MP dengan digital zoom, Quad-band GSM, GPS, Bluetooth, WiFi 802.11b/g, Music Player, FM Radio with RDS, USB dan tidak ketinggalan memori 100MB ofextendable.

Menurut informasi, Samsung CorbyPlus B3410 dan CorbyPro B5310 baru akan mendarat untuk pasaran India dalam waktu dekat dengan bandrol harga sekitar 299 dollar untuk CorbyPro B5310 dan 216 dollar untuk CorbyPlus B3410.

Sejauh ini, belum ada pernyataan resmi dari Samsung bahwa kedua ponsel terbarunya itu akan hadir untuk pasar Indonesia. Namun menurut desas-desus yang beredar di media, kabarnya kedua ponsel keren itu juga bakal mampi ke Indonesia