Sunday, December 5, 2010

Chicago Concert

Cartoon Facebook - There are always great Chicago concert tickets for the many large and small venues of the city. When it comes to music entertainment the Windy City is at the top of the list. Being one of the biggest and greatest cities in all of North America every big act and huge name come through on their tour. If going to Chicago for business or pleasure taking in some of the legendary music scene has to be on the list of things to do.

Hidden Gems
One of the best things about large cities is the variety of the music and venues, from small quint clubs to the largest stadiums. Chicago concert tickets are always available for whatever mood strikes you. The city is world renowned for its jazz and blues and many of the biggest names of the genres started out in the small smoke filled clubs. Blues legends such as Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf, and Willie Dixon and guitar players such as Freddie King and Buddy Guy all were part of creating the amazing Chicago blues sound. The Chess Records studio label hailed from the city and today is considered the greatest American blues label by many music historians.

With all the music history and talent brewing within the streets, it would be a real shame for anyone who enjoys music not to spend some time exploring. One of the most popular jazz & blues clubs resides on Chicago's south side and is named "The Checkerboard Lounge". The club hosts a fun mix of music fans, students, die hard locals and visitors alike. The club is not located in the nicer areas of the city so be sure to make plans and take a cub right to the door. The club has top blues players nightly, exciting card games and is Junior Wells favorite spot. Furthermore, if you want to get a feel for the history of Chicago then check out the "Green Mill" located on 4802 N Broadway Ave. This cool, hip and trendy club have seen the like of Al Capone, Charlie Chaplin, and Gloria Swanson and was a speakeasy throughout the Prohibition era. It has maintained its roaring 20's character and atmosphere and on any given night will provide great swing, jazz, poetry slams and open-mic nights.

Big Deals

Of course there are always Chicago concert tickets for the larger than life stadium events as well. Like all other U.S. cities Chicago has the big sports teams and venues which attract the huge headliner tours. If in town and hoping to catch Bruce Springsteen rocking out Soldier Field on a nice summer evening or U2 throwing a rare show at Wrigley Field you may just get lucky. Every large U.S. tour will make a stop in Chicago for at least one show and usually play a few. In the summer month's Soldier Field, home of the Chicago Bears pro football team is the largest venue for the city. Throughout the entire year United Center who is home to both the Chicago Bulls and the Chicago Blackhawks has the biggest names in entertainment playing night after night. If looking forward to catching any of the big names and monster tours at any given time check out these venues when and the city to see who is stopping in.

Chicago concert tickets provide some of the biggest names in music all yearlong. Whether looking for a quiet and intimate setting, huge stadium production or just to relax and soak in some of the Chicago's music history within a legendary establishment you will not be disappointed. Remember to do a little planning and book your tickets or make a reservation so you don't leave disappointed and missing out on all the fun.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

45 Jamaat Died in the Holy Land

Indonesian pilgrims die in the Holy Land, till now carrying 45 people. Last Data pilgrims who died were from Kabul Supatmo Suprihati Binti kloter 21 Batam.

Based on data from the Ministry of Religious Siskohat, Suprihati died on lodging, Mecca, Saudi Arabia at 15:15 hours on Wednesday (11/03/2010). Original Jamaah Tulungagung, East Java died because cardio vascular. He is buried in the cemetery Ma'la Mecca.

Of the 45 pilgrims who died, 24 people died in Medina, 18 in Mecca, Jeddah and one of the two people died in the course. More detailed further, of 9 people died in BPHI, 18 people died in hospitals of Saudi Arabia, nine people died in the lodging, one person died in a plane and four people died in the mosque.

Infectious and parasitic diseases cause the highest passing pilgrims. From the age data, the most pilgrims who died were aged over 60 years that 27 people, and between 50-59 years and 14 women aged 40-49 years by 4 people.

Of gender, women pilgrims who died by 13 people, while the male congregation of 32 people.

Up to now the pilgrims who were moving left Medina to Mecca kloter of 228 or 92,247 people. While the pilgrims are still in the Medina of 7753 people.

Here the names of Indonesian pilgrims die in the holy land based Siskohat:

1. Panji Siswanto Bin Paidi, kloter 2 Medan (MES)
2. Mutamimah Binti H Sueb, kloter 6 Jakarta-Saudia (JKS)
3. Sudarmin Bin M Adam, kloter 2 Banjarmasin (BTJ)
4. Munasir Bin Rahmat, kloter 3 Palembang (PLM)
5. Bin Adam Ibrahim Adam Nafaur, kloter 8 Makassar (UPG)
6. Bin Mutanto Reksodiredjo, kloter 10 Solo (SOC).
7. Soekirlan K Hadisuprapto Bin Suratman, kloter 9 Solo (SOC)
8. Hadi Bin Soi, kloter 7 Batam (BTH)
9. Erlangga Hasibuan Muslim Bin Hasibuan, kloter 3 Medan (MES)
10. Amsir Bin H Ahfat, kloter 9 Jakarta-Saudia (JKS)
11. P Tama'i Bin P Muljin, kloter 19 Surabaya (SUB)
12. Binti Chuzaemah Kasmijan, kloter 2 Solo (SOC)
13. Karsono Bin Dollah Sirat, kloter 9 Medan (MES)
14. Panaco Bin Tebbah, kloter 6 Makassar (UPG)
15. Rosliana Binti Party, kloter 1 Padang (PDG)
16. Iyah Ariyah Binti Enting, kloter 10 Jakarta-Saudia (JKS)
17. Azwir Bin Idris H Idris, Jakarta, Garuda kloter 4 (JKG)
18. Bartini Sumodihardjo Binti Brahim, kloter 16 Jakarta-Saudi (JKS)
19. Saeful Hidayat Bin H Romli, kloter 25 Jakarta-Saudi (JKS)
20. Sardju Dirjo Suhartono Bin Diryo Sumar, kloter 4 Solo (SOC)
21. Daman Huri Bin Abdul Fatah, 22 kloter Surabaya (SUB)
22.Siti Cholid Jamilah Binti Hashim, kloter 6 Aceh (BDJ)
23. Hardi Bin Bani, kloter 9 Padang (PDG)
24. H MHD Suwandi Bin Harun Harun NST Nurd, kloter 16 Medan (MES)
25. Palagau Shamsuddin Shamsuddin Bin Daen, ONH Plus, PT Ananda Nurul Haramain
26. Lahame Bin Laobase, kloter 15 Makassar (UPG)
27. Anah Binti H Damanuri, kloter 5 Jakarta-Saudi (JKS)
28. Achmadi Bin Kasidi Kartomihardjo, kloter 30 Jakarta-Saudia (JKS)
29. Bin Munasid Muniran, kloter 19 Surabaya (SUB)
30. Musa Bin H Nasution Arsyad kloter 13 Medan (MES)
31. Widi RD RD H Wiarsih Binti Ibrahim Wir, kloter 33 Jakarta-Saudi (JKS)
32.Amaq Maream Bin Jamin, kloter 14 Surabaya (SUB)
33. Wanci Yahya Bin Usman, kloter 12 Makassar (UPG)
34. Admin Bin H Mansur, 54 kloter Surabaya (SUB)
35. Nani Binti Ramin, kloter 56 Jakarta-Saudi (JKS)
36. Eko Abdullah Bin La Djirah, kloter 23 Makassar (UPG)
37. Didi Mahpudi Bin Sulaeman, kloter 4 Jakarta-Saudi (JKS)
38. Bin Sahabu Kauni, kloter 14 Makassar (UPG)
39. Karim Bin Ali, kloter 10 Medan (MES)
40. Binti sam'ah Sidik, kloter 4 Banjarmasin (BTJ)
41. Munzir Bin Recap, kloter 11 Palembang (PLM)
42. Binti Kumaenah Najat, 57 Jakarta-Saudi kloter (JKS)
43. A Datuk Parmata Kayo Bin Rivai, kloter 3 Batam (BTH)
44. Hasma Abidul Ibaad Binti Abidul, kloter 15 Makassar (UPG)
45.Suprihati Supatmo Kabul, kloter 21 Batam (BTH).

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Wanita Seksi Rambut Pirang ‎

Berlibur di pulau indah dengan pelayanan gadis-gadis berambut pirang pasti terasa unik. Sebuah perusahaan jasa wisata mengumumkan rencana untuk membuka resor liburan di Maldives yang seluruh stafnya terdiri dari gadis-gadis berambut pirang. Ini dilakukan untuk mematahkan stereotipe gadis pirang: kurang pintar.

"Gadis-gadis kami sangat cerdas dan semuanya memiliki gelar. Mereka semua ingin melakukan sesuatu dengan hidupnya. Mereka juga banyak memiliki ide bisnis," kata Giedre Pukiene, salah satu orang penting di balik proyek tersebut, seperti dikutip dari Telegraph. Giedre juga berambut pirang.

Fasilitas dalam resor ini bukan hanya standar pelayanan tempat liburan. Para tamu juga bisa mengakses 'pusat pendidikan', tempat para pelayan berambut pirang diberikan pelatihan tentang cara tampil sempurna dan terlihat hebat.

Resor yang dikembangkan The Olialia Development itu kabarnya mendapat sokongan dana dari sejumlah investor dari Inggris, Rusia dan Jerman. Resor yang berada di sebuah pulau privat di kepulauan tropis Samudera Hindia itu ditargetkan siap beroperasi pada 2015.

Demi kenyamanan wisatawan papan atas, resor ini akan dilengkapi dengan jasa penerbangan dan layanan kapal pesiar khusus menuju pulau pribadi.

Pengelola pariwisata di Kepulauan Maldives tidak keberatan dengan rencana tersebut. Hanya, muncul kekhawatiran adanya perbedaan pendapat antara pihak moderat dan konservatif di negara Islam tersebut.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Success For Mobile Game

Download Apk -Windows 7 Phone staying digadang has a myriad of advantages over other mobile operating systems, especially for business playing games. In a brief interview, vice president of Epic Games Mark Rein, is optimistic that the system would be successful as a mobile gaming.

"They (Microsoft-red.) has been investing quite serious for Windows Phone 7. And I'm sure, the operating system is capable of bridging the social aspects of the Xbox 360 with Xbox live," said Rein.

Attendance Phone Windows 7 that no longer is not without obstacles. Various operating systems are ready to manage Microsoft's strength in the smart phone industry, call it Android.

"I think Google is not a serious opponent. Moreover anyone can freely mengoprek Android and add all sorts of bloatware, for me it is not a good thing," Rein added.

Windows 7 Phone sliding scheduled October 11, 2010 in New York, local time. Reportedly the latest mobile OS-based devices that Microsoft would have visited around the world in the next few weeks after its release

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Citizen Watch on Tegallega

Tens of thousands of residents have crowded the field Tegallega Bandung on Sunday (3 / 10) afternoon. Parents, youth, and children were there waiting digelarnya tumplek Inbox SCTV Award 2010-3, while the new show starts at 13:00 broadcast live on television station SCTV.

Although the weather was overcast and occasional drizzle, the audience remained loyal to wait. One of the residents, Nina (32), who came with her husband and two sons, looked ready with his umbrella. Even they had to eat instant noodles boiled while waiting for a main event.

"Yes ga nothing riweuh little, once a year while take recreation," said Astana Anyar female residents are now found in Tegellega, Sunday (3 / 10).

As reported earlier in the event Inbox Awards will present 20 bands famous, such as Purple, ST12, TRIAD, Afgan, Green Leaves, Ridho Rhoma, Vierra, Mayor, Lyla, T2, Box, Marvel, Charlie's Angels, Tombs, Blackout, Saint Locco , Drive, and Five Minutes it appears to enliven the third Inbox Awards.

Additionally, it will appear also eight host of the show, Ivan Gunawan, Gading Marten, Andhika Pratt, Aja Farid, Reza No, Andhara Early, Ayu Hastari, and Tarra Budiman.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Seribu Hacker

Aktivitas mereka memang dominan di dunia maya. Tapi urusan kumpul-kumpul juga tidak ketinggalan di dunia offline. Buktinya, sekira 1.000 hackers berkumpul dalam acara bertajuk Hactivity 2010, di Budapest, Hungaria, sejak Sabtu hingga Minggu, 19 September.

Sejumlah berharap ajang para peretas kelas dunia ini tidak sekadar menjadi kongkow-kongkow belaka. Juga bisa menjadi sarana berbagi ilmu, informasi, dan melatih jurus-jurus baru di ranah dunia sistem keamanan internet, komputer dan jaringan.

Bruce Scheier, seorang pakar keamanan cyber ternama didapuk menjadi pembuka acara. Penggiat IT kelas dunia lainnya yang turut terjun adalah Alexander Kornbrust dari Oracle, Robert Lipovsky yang membawa nama ESET, serta hacker asal Amerika Serikat Mitch Altman.

Meski bertajuk kongres, Hacktivity 2010 juga menyediakan acara santai, yakni games. Namun tetap saja, permainan yang disiapkan penyelenggara tak jauh-jauh dari aksi peretasan. Judul game yang disediakan, sebagaimana dilansir AFP. Minggu, 19 Septmber adalah Hack the Vendor.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Pesaing iPad Nano ‎

Samsung tengah menyiapkan peluncuran komputer tablet terbaru untuk berkompetisi dengan iPad ‘nano’ berukuran 7 inci milik Apple.

Menurut laporan DigiTimes yang berbasis di Taiwan, Samsung berencana menghadirkan tablet PC terbaru, Galaxy Tab September nanti. Di sisi lain, Apple juga diperkirakan meluncurkan iPad kecil dalam jangka waktu dekat.

Samsung memutuskan tidak akan menghadirkan tablet 10 inci sebagai kompetitor iPad yang berukuran 9,7 inci. Samsung malah berencana bersaing dengan perangkat terbaru Apple yang berukuran 7 inci.

Berbeda dengan iPad yang menggunakan iOS milik Apple, komputer tablet Samsung ini akan menggunakan sistem operasi Android 2.2.

Sumber yang berbasis di Taiwan menyebutkan, “Sejak Samsung memutuskan untuk berhenti meluncurkan produk 10 inci, mereka berencana beralih ke media 7 inci. Perusahaan memutuskan untuk bersaing dengan iPad terbaru berukuran 7 inci, bukan model tablet Apple yang sudah ada.”

Sebuah koran berbahasa China menyebutkan bahwa iPad terbaru akan memiliki berat 500 gram, 200 gram lebih enteng dibandingkan iPad sebelumnya.

Pengamat Mingchi Kuo mengatakan Apple berencana memperbarui iPad 9,7 inci dengan prosesor ARM Cortex-A9 dan RAM 512 MB di kuartal pertama tahun 2011. Tablet berukuran 7 inci itu akan menggunakan prosessor yang sama dan dilengkapi IPS panel beresolusi 1024x768.

Untuk menjaga kerahasiaan produk revolusioner mereka, Apple melakukan kerja sama lisensi keamanan dengan Liquidmetal Technologies.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Pengganti Rossi di Tim Yamaha‎

Pembalap Amerika Serikat (AS), Ben Spies, akan menggantikan Valentino Rossi di tim pabrikan Yamaha pada kejuaraan Moto-GP dunia musim mendatang, demikian pengumuman pabrikan Jepang itu, Jumat (27/8).

Pembalap berusia 26 tahun itu, yang menjuarai Kejuaraan Superbike Dunia bersama Yamaha di tahun 2009, tampil mengesankan di musim pertamanya di Moto-GP, dengan membalap untuk tim Yamaha Tech 3. Ia kini menjadi pembalap pendatang baru terkemuka dan menduduki posisi ketujuh di klasemen kejuaraan.

"Kami merasa senang bahwa Ben akan bergabung dengan the Factory Team untuk musim mendatang," kata Lin Jarvis, direktur pelaksana Yamaha Motor Racing.

"Ben telah memenuhi janjinya di 10 balapan pertamanya di MotoGP. Ia bejalar secara cepat dan mencatat hasil yang kuat, termasuk naik ke podium di Silverstone - hasil yang mengesankan bagi seseorang di musim penuh pertamanya."

Spies menjadi calon kuat untuk mengambil alih kursi panas tersebut sejak pengumuman bahwa juara dunia Valentino Rossi akan pergi untuk bergabung dengan Ducati. "Kami yakin bahwa Ben akan menjadi penantang juara di masa mendatang dan ia akan baik bersama tim kami," tambah Jarvis.

"Misinya tahun depan adalah terus belajar, menjadi penantang secara konsisten untuk naik ke podium, dan berusaha menjuarai beberapa balapan."

"Saya merasa senang bahwa Yamaha mengakui potensi saya dan memberi saya kesempatan untuk meningkat ke tim pabrikan demikian cepat dalam karir GP saya."

Spies berharap dapat naik ke podium lagi pada Grand Prix Indianapolis akhir pekan ini.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bercinta di Bulan Puasa ‎

Seni Bercinta Kama Sutra - BAGI umat Islam, Ramadan adalah bulan mulia untuk mencari pahala sebanyak-banyaknya. Bagi sebagian orang, aktivitas seksual pada bulan ini dihindari, terutama para wanita.

Kama Sutra - Berbagai alasan seperti tidak ingin menodai bulan Ramadan, kelelahan menyiapkan makanan berbuka dan sahur atau ingin sepenuhnya beribadah. Bulan Ramadan bukan berarti pasangan suami-istri juga harus berpuasa dari seks.

Seperti dikutip dari Islamqa, hubungan intim suami-istri haram dilakukan pada siang hari. Jika pasangan melakukannya di siang hari, ada kafarat (denda) yang harus dijalani yakni memerdekakan seorang budak.

Jika tak memungkinkan berpuasa dua bulan berturut-turut atau memberi makan 60 orang fakir miskin. Sementara hubungan seksual suami-istri diperbolehkan dilakukan malam hari hingga awal fajar.

Beberapa tips agar aktivitas bercinta tetap berjalan lancar selama Ramadan:

1. Lakukan dengan niat ibadah

Melakukan hubungan seks pada malam hari saat Ramadhan justru berpahala, karena termasuk ibadah. Karena itu, jangan terbebani dan lakukanlah dengan hati senang dan ikhlas. Anda berdua akan lebih menikmatinya.

2. Atur waktu
Pintar-pintarlah mencari waktu yang tepat melepaskan hasrat karena waktu yang relatif sempit selama Ramadan. Setelah berbuka di sore hari hingga tarawih, Anda masih punya waktu beberapa jam hingga masuk waktu sahur. Manfaatkan waktu ini untuk bermesraan dengan pasangan.

3. Lakukan seks kilat
Selama berpuasa, kita harus menjaga agar fisik tidak lemah di siang hari. Apalagi jika kedua pasangan sama-sama bekerja. Jika selama ini durasi seks bersama pasangan lebih lama.
Usahakan lakukan lebih cepat, agar tenaga tak terkuras. Rasa malas karena harus mandi besar bisa dikurangi dengan mandi air hangat agar tak kedinginan.

4. Saling mengerti
Anda dan pasangan harus memiliki pikiran yang selaras, tanpa ada keinginan memaksakan kehendak atau menang sendiri. Bila salah satu dari pasangan enggan, pasangan lainnya harus mengerti.
Jika hubungan intim suami-istri dilakukan dengan cinta, selain pahala, pasangan bisa menghapuskan dosa-dosa.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Game Online Free Dunia

Game Online Free - The government cut the number of regions to host joint implementation of the Sea Games in 2011 from four to two provinces with a set of Palembang as host of the opening and closing celebration sports such as Southeast Asia.

Game Online - Andi A. Menegpora Malaranggeng said of the two provinces determined to be the host, the new South Sumatra already klir and one more province of Jakarta is estimated to still be discussed by all relevant parties.

"We want a successful implementation because it will show the faces of our country. For that we select the best and optimal. Earlier, President [Yudhoyono] have set Palembang as host of the opening and closing. One other provinces are discussed in later meetings with the president, "he said after meeting with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at the Presidential Palace today.

Previously, the government established four provincial administration with the 26th SEA Games, namely Jakarta, South Sumatra, West Java and Central Java. However, participating countries requested Indonesia Sea Games review that decision because it assessed more inefficient and difficult for participants because of the distance between locations.

South Sumatra Governor Alex Noerdin said it continues to complement the sporting infrastructure for the success of South Sumatra as one of the Sea Games with ex-PON using the facilities.

"We built 11 new tennis courts and 13 field direhab. Now the development is 30% and targeted to complete in three months before the Sea Games," he said.

He added that so far it has not yet received the state budget allocation for the physical and technical preparation as host it. "Until now there has been no talk its budget."

On the other hand, the Minister of Tourism and Culture Jero Wacik said the government is pushing the need to build tourism infrastructure to support the activities of the Sea Games in order to become a medium for the promotion of national tourism. In this case, he continued, including the preparation and various perniknya cendramata products that can be taken home by participants of the regional arena.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

About Luna Maya

Luna Maya Indonesian Actress - Luna Maya is still in hot video suspect status ariel luna maya, had wanted to promo her new single, Can not be with you, but it seems the new single song luna maya was boycotted by 20 radio stations.

Following the recognition of related Luna Maya was doing a porn video with Ariel Peterpan, 28 private radio stations who take shelter at the National Association of Private Radio (PRSSN) boycotted the song, entitled 'What Do I With you'.

The statement affirmed the Chairman of the National Union of Private Radio (PRSSN) South Sulawesi (Sulawesi), Abdul Hamid, BA in Makassar, on Saturday (17 / 7). "If the song is playing will give a bad image for the community. They certainly will remember Luna Maya and Ariel are automatically associated with the video porn," he added.

Hamid added, on Monday, July 19 tomorrow, PRSSN will conduct meetings with its members. Meetings are related to the Ariel songs are sung with his band Peterpan. "What will also be boycotted by not broadcast it or not, will determine the outcome of meetings," he said.

Similar also disclosed Mayor of Makassar, Ilham Arif Sirajudin. He urged residents not to purchase the Makassar city's new album Luna Maya. Moreover, Luna Maya has proven himself to admit that a cast of women in these horrendous video.

"We hope that the community has had to take a stance to not buy or give something to the people who have made a reproach against public morality," said Ilham.

Also expressed, as the government will take the attitude of Makassar will never give space to the Luna Maya and Ariel to perform activities in the form of Campaigns. "Why, because he is an artist who had many idols, including in Makassar, but instead he has a morality like that so it should be a consideration," said Sirajuddin

Friday, July 2, 2010

Prediksi Paraguay Vs Spanyol Kita

Prediksi Paraguay Vs Spanyol - Twice extra time is not yet able to finish the duel Ghana versus Uruguay.

Paraguay Vs Spanyol - Scrimage in front of goal dimenit 120 Uruguay became the most thrilling drama at the party this time.

Luis Suarez, who before becoming an actor protagonist, expelled by the referee due to hold a ball that should have signed Uruguayan goal with his hand.

Penalties were given to the Black Star. Unfortunately, Asamoah Gyan failed to fulfill the task state. Ball at the kick hit the crossbar instead.

War must also be settled by penalty kicks. And this is the second party at the World Cup in 2010, after the Japanese against Paraguay before the party settled with tos-tosan.

At the first opportunity for Uruguayan Diego Forlan goalkeeper Kingson hacked.

Asamoah Gyan had the ball on goal menceploskan Uruguay and failure to pay an extra penalty at half time.

Uruguay a second chance, Victorino could break down the wicket Ghana.

Ghana had successfully penetrate past Uruguay goalkeeper Stephen Appiah.

Scotti change the score became 3-2 to Uruguay.

The third gunman Ghana, Mensah failed to break down the wicket Uruguay. Muslera got him. Still 3-2 to Uruguay.

Pereira also failed to become executioners. Kick off further.

Unfortunately, also failed to break down the wicket Adiyiah Uruguay. Muslera was again a hero.

Score was still 3-2 to Uruguay.

Last shooter Uruguay, Uruguay Abreu decisive victory.

Final score 4-2 (5-3) for Uruguay. In the semi-final, Uruguay awaited Dutch orange team.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tanding Prediksi Nigeria VS Korea Selatan

Prediksi Nigeria VS Korea Selatan - Speed (kecepatan) dan semangat juang yang dimiliki para pemain Korsel sangat membahayakan dan mengancam Nigeria dalam pertandingan grup B Piala Dunia 2010 di Stadion Peter Makoba Polokwane, Rabu (dinihari WIB).

Nigeria VS Korea Selatan - Keunggulan ini sudah pasti dimanfaatkan tim negeri “ginseng” Korsel untuk memenangkan pertandingan ini guna memenuhi impiannya maju ke babak “16 Besar”. “Kalau Korsel mampu memanfaatkan keunggulannya atau tetap konsisten dengan pola permainannya, saya yakin Korsel bisa menang dan lolos ke babak 16 besar”, kata pengamat sepakbola Halim Panggabean kepada Analisa di Medan, Senin (21/6).

Begitupun Halim tak membantah kalau kemenangan yang bakal diraih Korsel dalam pertandingan yang sangat menentukan buat tim besutan pelatih Huh Jung-moo tidak akan mudah dan tidak gampang. “Nigeria meski peluangnya sangat tipis, tapi akan memberikan perlawanan sengit kepada Korsel karena pertandingan ini juga gengsi bagi mereka”, ungkap Halim.

Menurut Halim yang juga Pengurus Pengfrov PSSI Sumut dan mantan pengurus PSMS, Korsel satu diantara tiga tim Asia yang berpeluang ke “16 Besar”, di samping memiliki speed dan semangat juang yang tinggi, juga punya team-work yang bagus pula sehingga sangat mendukung keutuhan tim. Pemain-pemain seperti Park Ji-sung, Kim Jae-sung, Kim Nam-ill dan Park Chu-young adalah nama-nama penyerang Korsel yang sangat berbahaya dan perlu diwaspadai Nigeria.

Permainan one-two touch (satu-dua sentuhan) keempat tandem Korsel ini biasanya selalu merepotkan lawan dan ini pula yang membawa kemenangan mereka 2-0 atas Yunani, kendatipun akhirnya kalah 1-4 vs Argentina pada pertandingan kedua. “Kendati kalah 1-4 vs Argentina tapi saya optimis mereka mampu bangkit dan mengalahkan Nigeria”, tegas Halim yang memprediksi Korsel bakal menang dengan selisih satu gol.

Semangat Korsel

Sementara pemerhati sepakbola lainnya Trisna Yusrizal SE mengakui kalau semangat pemain Korsel sangat luar biasa dan akan memberikan yang terbaik pada ajang Piala Dunia. Khusus pada pertandingan pamungkasnya di Grup B.

“Pengalaman yang dimiliki Korsel di Piala Dunia merupakan modal kuat untuk mengalahkan Nigeria”, ucap Trisna. Trisna selanjutnya mengatakan, strategi yang akan diterapkan pelatih Huh Jung-moo dengan menurunkan pemain potensial seperti Park Ji-sung, Lee Chung-yong, Ki Sung-yong dan Park Chu-young dipastikan akan membuat kewalahan Nigeria yang sudah mengalami dua kekalahan atas Argentina dan Yunani.

“Nigeria harus ekstra hati-hati menghadapi Korsel yang dikenal memiliki disiplin tinggi serta ngotot,” tambah Tris yang merupakan pengusaha muda dan penggemar motor besar ini

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Menyikapi Prediksi Brasil VS Korea Utara

Prediksi Brasil VS Korea Utara - BRAZIL will premiere in the group G match to entertain the mysterious power of North Korea. The players will be star-studded Brazil against countries who have not competed in 40 years the global stage.

Brasil VS Korea Utara "I have absolutely no idea about their game. I just get a recording during a friendly game and a half. Hopefully the coach can obtain detailed information before the game started," said the Brazilian striker, Ramires, told the AP on Monday (14 / 6).
Information about North Korea's recent development of the squad is very limited. At training camp in North Korea Northern Johannesburg areas, Coach Kim Myong-won restrict foster children from excessive publicity. It seems that Kim made the mystery that North Korea make opponents wary.

"Despite a history of standing up for Brazil, we still respect them. In football, you should be wary of all opponents," said Samba Team midfielder, Elano.
The only reference to history when they surprised the world North Korea in World Cup 1966 in England.
Join in Group 4 along with the Soviet Union, Italy, and Chile, Korea advanced to the round of eight after defeating Italy 1-0 in the third game.

North Korea made history as the first Asian clubs qualifying for the knock-out round. N Korea again in round eight big surprise after the bend Portugal 3-0 in the first round.

Unfortunately penampilang legendary striker Eusebio frustrate glorious dream in the second round of North Korea. Eusebio turned into 5-3 position.

But North Korea seems to be difficult to repeat history. Moreover, they joined the group of death. Besides Brazil, there are Portuguese and Ivory Coast.
This initial action became the most severe test. Means losing the opportunity to be buried next round.

"We know all too well the Brazilian squad. They are the strongest team in the world. Brazil seems to have no weaknesses. But we expect no surprises later in the game," said midfielder Korea, An Yong Hak.

Since losing to France in the semis four years ago, Brazil's squad suffered a massive overhaul.
Dunga prefer a player who has a high degree of discipline and the type of hard worker in the field. Dunga ignore the star player but with discipline problems.

Dunga also fix the defense by relying on fast counter-attack. This strategy is reaping a barrage of criticism from fans.
But performances in the cup, confederations and the qualifying address concerns. Samba also melibas Italy, England, Portugal, and Argentina, the test match.
"The players are ready after a long preparation. We came here to become a champion," said Robinho.

Robinho, Kaka, and Luis Fabiano Dunga became the mainstay in the front. In the back, Julio Cesar, Lucio, Juan and Maicon become key players.

While Kaka who initially doubted shine in South Africa after suffering a disappointing season with Real Madrid showed tajinya the last test against Tanzania. Former AC Milan player also follow all practice sessions and Dunga will be the starter on this fight.

"Kaka is the soul of our team. We need his services in the field," said Fabiano.
This game is the first meeting of both teams on the international stage.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Skandal Seks Cut Tari Ariel Video

Video Porno Bugil Mesum Cut Tari Ariel - Obscene videotapes that allegedly performed two top Indonesian artist, Ariel and Luna Maya is already circulating in society. Police requested that Ariel and Luna provide relevant information in the truth of the video.

Video Porno Cut Tari Ariel "They must declare that they are victims, if the objection to the circulation of the video, please report this defamation," said Jakarta Police Public Relations Head Boy Rafli Kombes Amar when met by Media Indonesia, Monday (7 / 6).

Boy asks Ariel and Luna do not wait for the police to conduct related enforcement circulation of a video nasty which showed two men were doing a scene like a married couple.

"Do not wait for the police to act, if there are things that violate please report it, so to be proven whether it was Luna and Ariel, what's not," he explained.

Boy also allowed if there are people who reported to the relevant police videotape was divided into two parts.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Lubang Raksasa Guatemala

Lubang Raksasa - The people using hoes and axes to find avalanche victims who have cost the lives of at least 179 people in Central America.

Thousands of residents losing their homes and dozens of other undiscovered tropical pascabadai Agatha. Rescuers trying to reach some isolated villages to distribute food and water.

"This is a great tragedy," said Jose Vicente Samayoa, president of the environmental groups in Amatitlan, a city that floods in the south of the capital city of Guatemala.

Local officials in Guatemala reported 152 dead and 100 people were still missing. In Chimaltenango region, the province west of Guatemala City, landslides buried several communities in urban India, killing at least 60 people.

The spectators are curious too crowded one large circular pit that swallowed a nearly perfect intersection in Guatemala City at the weekend, also has to swallow a clothing factory but no casualties or injuries.

Authorities estimate the size of the hole 66 feet or 20 meters with a depth of nearly 100 feet (30 meters), but they still find out the cause.

Almost 125 000 people were evacuated in Guatemala, and thousands more fled their homes in the area of Honduras, the region with the number of victims killed 17 people after two young men were missing in the middle of bathing in the fast-flowing river in the middle of torrential official warning issued to menjuah of a widening river channels.

Most schools closed on Tuesday yesterday in Honduras.

In Elsalvador, 11,000 residents had evacuated. The death rate rose to 10 and the other two are still missing, said President Mauricio Funes Monday night.

Approximately 95% of this country overland transportation routes affected by these landslides, but most roads are still open, said Minister of Transportation Gerson Martinez. Martinez also said around 179 bridges damaged.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

SCTV Music Awards 2010

SCTV Music Awards 2010 - Ridho dangdut singer Rhoma been designed to be internationally successful music. One way that is now adopted son is that with the Rhoma Irama bekolaborasi with Indian artists.

"Definitely go internaltional, one-two this year, has started collaboration same artist of India," said Ridho on the sidelines of SCTV Music Awards 2010 at the Jakarta Convention Center, Senayan, South Jakarta, Thursday (05/27/2010).

In SCTV Music Awards, Ridho selected as 'Best Newcomer Solo'. The singer hits the 'Waiting' was expressing gratitude for the award he received. For him the victory was like a dream come true.

"It's more difficult, because the more complete its category, and the rival weight, and songs
I had one years ago, never thought could survive with another song, "Ridho vent.

Ridho forward will still exist with dangdut music. For Ridho, although often considered nuts dangdut actually a lot like society.

"It's very fair at all (dangdut win), outside-outside shyly sing-sing in it. No wonder (win)," said Ridho.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Nonton TV Online

Nonton TV Online - Most people live in a beautiful dream, to depend on things that they thought could make them rich. However, you need to know how to keep your money is used properly. Here are some errors in the use of their money and also tricks to get around it:

1. Falling in love ... with your investment

The good thing if you love someone, but love the stock will lead to trouble for you. Some clients from Laura Tarbox, a financial planner, based on stock market because they feel these works to the company's stock so they would feel disloyal if you sell it. Laura Tarbox suggest that this should not be allowed continue. Do not let your wealth locked up in one stock more than 10%.

2. Chasing a fantasy

"The state of the past is not an indication of future reality." It is the appropriate sentence but not all people who believe in the phrase. The players share, for example, or someone who lost the business that suffered a loss, generally falling in the mud and could not get up again. They poured out their wealth to pursue the dream / fantasy that they had in mind so that when they fall, they are increasingly drowning. Such people need to know that if you fail now, you can achieve success next day.

3. Equate "Sales Promotion" with "Good Price"

Take for example there are two television are sold, they are the same specifications and price, suppose the USD 1 million. However, in one of the TV originally listed price of Rp. 1.5 million. Which do you prefer? You must select the TV from USD 1.5 million to Rp. 1 million, right? The other fact that television is a lot of television recommendations. Why did you choose a TV that is being sold promo? Very simple, because being in a cheaper price.

In fact, the USD. USD 1 million remains. 1 million. Just because there is information on USD. 1.5 million were given a cross and replaced by Rp. 1 million, it does not mean that you either spend money to get it. Next time, if you want to buy something, remember whether the object is aligned with its value price, whether you need it, or maybe you can find other similar items but with a lower price.

4. "Revenge"

You do not need these things, you do not even want to. But, no one can tell you what you should not buy. You like people who buy revenge goods without regard to your finances. If you're really hard to control it, talk with a financial adviser or your financial planner.

5. Owe

Number of people who have savings amounting to 2% instead of only those who have credit cards as many as 14%. Perhaps you'll argue that you need it for emergencies. There is no real reason for you to live in a state owes, either to banks or individuals. Anticipating emergencies that can occur at any time, you must be diligent saving your income regularly and wisely. That's the future of your assets. Maybe you still have a credit card, but you do not use it anymore, unless you had no way out.

6. Online Banking Insecurity

By rough calculation, half of the world population is already activated its online banking, where management and an easier time. The question now is, what the bank has online banking security? They put a lot of firewalls, such as the walls around us, they provide security guards to occupy places that could be broken into during the 24 / 7.

Now look at your mailbox may not be locked and guarded, it sought a thief. In fact, thieves can infiltrate and retrieve your confidential information via email or they slip into your online bank account. If you already do online banking, do not worry. Give your safety on the internet network and regularly check your financial data.

7. Hoard money

The Bible says, "There are those who hoard wealth but always short, but there is a spread wealth and life in abundance." This proves that when you give money to the needy, someday you will be given. That does not mean, your mind is why you were given only about giving. Does not mean you are wasteful and do not need to save more money.

Money, you tube to make you and those you love to feel secure and comfortable. It is very happy when you use that money for your family fun, take your child to a playground, fun with your parents take her out, or giving small gifts to those you love. Far more fun than if you're just going to give money after you close the age.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Gerhana Venus

Gerhana Venus - Para penggemar maupun pengamat astronomi kembali akan menyaksikan okultasi Venus atau gerhana Venus. Bila langit cerah, fenomena astronomi nan langka ini bisa disaksikan dengan mata telanjang di sebagian besar wilayah Indonesia, kecuali Indonesia bagian timur, pada Ahad (16/5) petang ini.

Versi Observatorium Bosscha di Lembang, Jawa Barat, menyebutkan okultasi Venus atau pergerakan Planet Venus melintasi matahari dapat disaksikan sekitar pukul 18.49 sampai 19.30 WIB nanti. Namun, astronom amatir Ardhy Tjohara, punya pendapat lain.

Menurut Ardhy, bila versi Bosscha benar, maka warga di Indonesia bagian barat dan tengah dapat menyaksikannya. Jika pendapatnya benar, maka hanya warga di Indonesia bagian timur, Maluku dan Papua, yang dapat menontonnya.

Seperti diberitakan sejumlah media massa, sejumlah astronom di Observatorium Bosscha, hari ini mulai mempersiapkan perangkat pengamatan. Menurut Direktur Observatorium Bosscha, Lembang, Jawa Barat, Hakim L. Malasan, para astronom dunia sangat antusias ingin menyaksikan gerhana Venus.

"Kali ini gerhana memang spesial di wilayah Asia Tenggara," ujarnya. Bahkan, untuk kepentingan ilmu pengetahuan, Bosscha akan berbagi hasil pengamatan ke para astronom dan masyarakat luas. Video streaming gerhana itu bakal disebarluaskan melalui situs Bosscha.

Okultasi Venus adalah fenomena saat Planet Venus menghilang sesaat karena tertutup bulan. Peristiwa yang sama baru dapat disaksikan lagi dari wilayah Indonesia pada 2052.

Sebelumnya, tepatnya 8 Juni 2004, pergerakan Planet Venus melintasi matahari disaksikan dengan antusias oleh warga di sejumlah belahan dunia. Saat itu, Planet Venus tampak seperti sebutir jagung di atas piring. Hari itu, Venus melintasi matahari selama enam jam, dari sebelah kiri ke arah kanan

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Obat Jerawat

MESKIPUN banyak Obat jerawat yang dipasarkan, sebagian orang tetap memilih perawatan alami di rumah. Perawatan alami ini menggunakan bahan-bahan natural dan tak menghabiskan banyak biaya. Berikut sejumlah perawatan yang dapat dicoba untuk membasmi jerawat.

Obat Tradisional - Bersihkan wajah dengan alkohol
Para ahli yakin kulit mulus bebas jerawat dapat dihindari dengan diet sehat, tidur cukup, dan berolahraga secara teratur. Untuk itu, jaga kebersihan kulit. Caranya, bersihkan muka dengan kapas yang telah dicelupkan dalam larutan alkohol.

Cara ini efektif membunuh kuman penyebab jerawat. Tapi, jangan terlalu sering karena penggunaan alkohol yang berlebihan dapat menyebabkan kulit iritasi dan mengelupas.

Masker oatmeal
Menurut para ahli, kulit super berminyak sebaiknya dirawat menggunakan masker yang terbuat dari oatmeal. Oatmeal tak hanya berfungsi sebagai scrub tapi juga menyerap kelebihan minyak di wajah. Setelah itu, basuh wajah dengan air dingin hingga bersih. Cara ini ampuh untuk merapatkan pori-pori.

Madu dan apel
Selain oatmeal, madu dan apel juga menjadi obat alami yang ampuh membasmi jerawat membandel. Campurkan parutan apel dengan madu, lalu aplikasikan ke wajah yang telah dibersihkan. Diamkan hingga sekitar 15 hingga 20 menit, lalu basuh dengan air hangat. Lakukan perawatan ini dua hingga tiga kali tiap minggu, tergantung jenis kulit Anda.

Herbal yang terbukti ampuh mengatasi jerawat yakni burdock, sarsaparila, dan yellow duck. Selain itu, keampuhan ini juga dimiliki minyak teh hijau. EKstrak teh hijau mengandung antiseptik yang menyembuhkan area jerawat yang meradang dalam waktu singkat.

Aspirin dikenal ampuh meredakan sakit kepala. Tapi, aspirin juga dapat mengobati jerawat. Hancurkan sebutir aspirin dan larutkan dengan sedikit air. Aplikasikan di wajah. Kemudian, bersihkan dengan sabun dan air.

Cara ini berguna mengurangi kemerahan dan meredakan sengatan perih jerawat. Jika jerawat belum juga hilang, ulangi prosedur ini beberapa kali hingga kulit bebas dari jerawat.

Obat Perawat Minyak zaitun
Meski terdengar aneh, beberapa orang mengklaim minyak zaitun juga berkhasiat mengobati jerawat. Caranya, buat pasta dengan mencampurkan empat sendok makan garam dengan tiga sendok makan minyak zaitun. Oleskan campuran ini ke wajah, dan diamkan selama satu atau dua menit. Kemudian, bilas dengan air hangat dan sabun. Ulangi prosedur setiap hari selama seminggu, lalu kurangi menjadi dua atau tiga kali seminggu.

Sangat penting bagi Anda untuk memerhatikan asupan vitamin dalam tubuh. Sebuah tes yang dilakukan ahli membuktikan, asupan 5.000 unit skala internasional vitamin A setiap hari, dapat mengurangi jerawat. Sementara itu, vitamin B6 membuat kulit lebih kuat sehingga mengurangi kemungkinan jerawat. Seng dalam dosis ringan, jika dikonsumsi sebelum jerawat muncul juga bisa mencegah timbulnya bintik kemerahan tersebut di kulit

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Game Online Terbaru 2010

Game Online Terbaru 2010 - Or better known online game Game OL was not only loved the kids, but started ogled parents (parent). Moreover, gamers-term gamers need not OL-mengocek bag too deep to be able to play the game. Because today, cafe owners charge quite cheap. Gamers can choose the package price, they can be much as you like sitting in front of computer monitors.

Game Online As shown in one of the cafe in Jalan Abun Jani. By monitoring Jambi Independent, almost certainly every day cafe is always filled with OL gaming enthusiast. Even in the game center, gamers are not just teenagers and adolescents but parents.

"Here, not only children but fathers aged 40 years, was also fond of OL games," said Iwan, a game center operators in Jalan Abun Jani.

Almost the same condition also occurs in one of the Road cafe Supriyadi.

According to Dian (13), one junior high school students are even admitted to not play games every day OL, he mengamini when gaming on line could make himself addicted to a game that could connect him with gamers all over Indonesia or even the whole world. Yet he still knows the game a few months on line. "Know OL games begin next semester one (I). Now that know the toy want to continue," he said.

David also stressed the statement Dian, OL game is addictive. "It can be addictive. But I do not play every day. Only if for refreshing it," said high school students who are trying to register to join in a new OL game called Luna.

While the Son (17), another high school student, said he was very menggandrungi this game, even at home for hours when playing in front of the computer. "If there paketan time, I can play starts at 10 pm to 3 am. Because the cost is very cheap. But it was rarely played. As might be big," said the son with a laugh.

Meanwhile, the high enthusiasm of the children playing games OLcenter OL games in this Jani Abun Road. Owner peg the USD 2,500 per hour. Because it would not be surprised if the operator can not count how many kids who play games a day in place OL. "I can not count how many children are playing. Because the bustling and hold," said Iwan. because they get the lightweight convenience and cost. As one

To widen the market, a game center that now dioperatori Jasmine gives a lot of cheap gaming package. For example, the package mornings at 06:00 until 12:00 only USD 7000. Night package for five hours starting at just USD 6000 21:00 until 2:00 in the morning. For eight hours a night package, its just a game center peg the USD $ 7500, starting at 21:00 until 05:00 in the morning.

Unlike the game center on the Road Supriyadi. Ops, Subhan, only to attract a price of Rp 3,000 per hour to play games. "USD $ 3000 per hour. But we do not have the package," said Subhan.

OL own game is a game that makes gamers connect with other gamers throughout Indonesia cafe. Even can also worldwide. So that the on-line games can be added media skills (expertise), play games, make friends, even a search for a mate.

There are plenty of game play OL. For example, approximately one year ago there was a special game competition called Let's Dance Dance. And while this game is loved is Point Blanc, a kind of Counter-Strike Evolution of martial arts, but with better background and the players that have a strong character, and that many kinds of armaments.

There was also the RF game. RF is a game dominated by robots, humans, magic, and mechanical or creator of the robot. Whereas for DotA, gamers only play one hero or heroine, and is a war games with magic or magic. Which definitely will not stop the game creators to present the latest games for the seizure and attract the attention of children.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Vera Baker And Barack Obama

Gossip US-Präsident Barack Obama Affäre mit einer jurkamnya, Vera Baker, ein Skandal in Washington. Wie haben sie sich treffen?

Nicht viel Informationen finden Sie auf Baker gefunden werden. Er ist nur als Obama-Kampagne Finance Manager für den Staat Illinois Senator im Jahr 2004 live laufen bekannt. Dann von ihrem Job Baker als First Lady Michelle ausgesetzt fühlte, war etwas zwischen die Frau von ihrem Ehemann.

Aber Baker schüttete sein Herz aus, um einen Friseur-Abonnements, Guido Van Pansy. Dental meisten denken, wenn Baker sagte, er wisse, wie der Präsident wurde für ihre Geburtsurkunde suchen.

"Me and Obama kennen einander beim Treffen in der Basketball-Turnhalle in Chicago. Wir spielten drei Spiele und Horse Ich habe zwei von ihnen ", sagte Gigi imitiert Baker, Dienstag (05.04).

Laut Baker, Advanced Dentistry, 44. US-Präsident war sehr gut tun, das Lay-up. Baker dann lächelte er und zwinkerte, als er sagte Barry, wie er meist genannt wird, war nicht klug, um den Ball dribbeln.

Frauen stellen heute 35-Jährige wurde auch gesagt, Obama lobte ihn und sagte, er sei sehr gut im Springen vertikal, haben eine gute Kontrolle über die Richtung der Basketball-Korb, und die sexy Paar Brüste, die er je gesehen hatte. Natürlich neben der Brust seiner Frau Michelle.

Baker nahm das Kompliment und die Rückkehr und Wiederaufnahme der Basketball-Spiel, sagte er sah, Herr Obama blickte auf die "Assets" es dreimal. Am dritten Blick, Baker Obamas Hosen getragen Zeuge Nike Ausbuchtung in der Front.

Nach Gigi vermitteln Baker dies Brobama, andere Anrufe, die dann Gesicht war gerötet, oder genauer, violett. Sasha und Malia Vater sagte Baker war die Ursache für seine Hose gewölbt.

"Baker sagte zu mir, ihm gesagt, wo Obama seine Geburtsurkunde verstecken. Es geschah, nachdem der Präsident war betrunken sechs Flaschen Bier und geben Sie es an die Tat des U. S.-Vizepräsident Joe Biden, sagte Gigi.

Die Zähne sind auch noch erinnern, sagte Baker, dass Geburtsurkunden sind nun in der Heimat Biden in Delaware, in Hannah Montana Färbung Bücher, die im Keller des Hauses aufbewahrt werden. Bis jetzt Obama noch nicht kommentiert den Skandal, wenn er nicht aktiv war, für die Präsidentschaft, wenn es passiert.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Jadwal MotoGp 2010

Jadwal MotoGp 2010 - LOTS of disappointed because the drivers racing in Motegi Circuit, Japan canceled this weekend due to the impact of volcanic eruptions in Iceland. However, Jorge Lorenzo had a different opinion. Yamaha rider Spaniard was actually grateful. What reason? First, because he gets more time to recover his physical condition is still not recovered 100%. Lorenzo fractures thumb injury while testing at Sepang GP, before the series premiere was held earlier.

The second reason, he'd have competed in Jerez, where the third performance of MotoGP will next take place May 2. Own race at Motegi postponed to 30 October. "With the crisis that forced my backdated Motegi MotoGP schedule becomes more time to exercise," said Lorenzo. He hopes that his condition was 100% when testing the Jerez circuit later. And, he said, if his condition is completely recovered, then the chances for the title wide open. The reason, says Lorenzo, Jerez as a magical store that gave him a profit.

"Jerez is a track that has the magic for me. And I think also for all the Spaniard, because there is a circuit that can bring us closer to the public mood, "he said. He continued, "There are always giving me a wonderful story. My pole positions can be reached banyal, and twice winning the 250cc class race at. I'm ready to fight for victory in the MotoGP class, "explained Lorenzo in motosadictos, yesterday. Currently, he ranks second in the standings. Given the delay, the more his physical condition will recover from and he will start to show its best power at the Jerez circuit, the circuit is a favorite. She could get more exercise include going to the gym for exercise and fitness.

Besides, he can longer interact with the physiotherapist. Tuesday and Thursday she could participate Dirt Track Cross to test its readiness. "I strongly believe I am going to Jerez with a physical condition that is almost one hundred percent," said Lorenzo. Meanwhile, the Ducati rider Nicky Hayden has big ambitions for the best menunjukkanperforma this season with Ducati. Together with the Italian team, he wants to beat Valentino Rossi once again. This year is his second year with the Ducati.

While still in the Honda team, Hayden never beat Rossi in the championship hunt. In 2006, he managed to become world champion MotoGP, Rossi and forced into the runner-up. Rossi beat moments that become memorable moment for his fans. But the Ducati team last season or the first season with the team with the brand's red, Hayden seemed to show the best performance difficulties. Only one podium in Indianapolis who successfully mastered. Therefore he wanted to pay for failures in last year's achievements this year.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Cowboys in Paradise

Cowboys in Paradise - Yodeling cowboy sensation Sourdough Slim, "Last Of The Vaudeville Cowboys," will perform at 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Sunday at the Paradise Recreation Center, 6626 Skyway. With a fast-paced volley of catchy tunes, timeless humor and award-winning yodeling, Slim will delight audiences of all ages. The performances run in conjunction with the Paradise Recreation & Park District's annual Gold Nugget Days Craft Faire. Admission is free.

Cowboys - It begins simply. Shen Tai, son of an illustrious general serving the Emperor of Kitai, has spent two years honoring the memory of his late father by burying the bones of the dead from both armies at the site of one of his father's last great battles. In recognition of his labors and his filial piety, an unlikely source has sent him a dangerous gift: 250 Sardian horses.

You give a man one of the famed Sardian horses to reward him greatly. You give him four or five to exalt him above his fellows, propel him towards rank, and earn him jealousy, possibly mortal jealousy. Two hundred and fifty is an unthinkable gift, a gift to overwhelm an emperor.

Wisely, the gift comes with the stipulation that Tai must claim the horses in person. Otherwise he would probably be dead already...

The Gods of Amyrantha Jennifer Fallon (Tor)

How do you go about killing yourself when you are an immortal? Is it even possible? Jennifer Fallon explores this tantalizing puzzle in The Gods of Amyrantha, the second in her Tide Lords series.

The Tide is turning and the Tide Lords’ powers are returning with it. Cayal, the Immortal Prince, hero of legend, was thought to be only a fictional character.

Cayal sure wishes that he was a piece of fiction—anything that would help him shuffle off this mortal coil. But even though he longs for a final death, things in the world keep pulling him back. Such as Arkady Desean, an expert on the legends of the Tide Lords who has discovered the truth about Cayal…and captured his heart.

Yes, the Tide Lords will walk upon the earth once more and, with the power that surges through the cosmos, stand poised to wreak havoc on all that humans hold dear. Cayal will have to decide if he wants to go on living just a little longer and if he is willing to risk his fellow immortals’ wrath in order to save the world.

Ghosts of Manhattan George Mann (Pyr TPB)

1926. New York. The Roaring Twenties. Jazz. Flappers. Prohibition. Coal-powered cars. A cold war with a British Empire that still covers half of the globe. Yet things have developed differently to established history. America is in the midst of a cold war with a British Empire that has only just buried Queen Victoria, her life artificially preserved to the age of 107. Coal-powered cars roar along roads thick with pedestrians, biplanes take off from standing with primitive rocket boosters, and monsters lurk behind closed doors and around every corner. This is a time in need of heroes. It is a time for The Ghost.

A series of targeted murders are occurring all over the city, the victims found with ancient Roman coins placed on their eyelids after death. The trail appears to lead to a group of Italian American gangsters and their boss, who the mobsters have dubbed "The Roman." However, as The Ghost soon discovers, there is more to The Roman than at first appears, and more bizarre happenings that he soon links to the man, including moss-golems posing as mobsters and a plot to bring an ancient pagan god into the physical world in a cavern beneath the city. As The Ghost draws nearer to The Roman and the center of his dangerous web, he must battle with foes both physical and supernatural and call on help from the most unexpected of quarters if he is to stop The Roman and halt the imminent destruction of the city.

Ghosts & Echoes Lyn Benedict (Ace)

The new urban fantasy series that has readers jumping at shadows. Chicago cop Adam Wright has picked up a spiritual hitchhiker, the ghost of a dead man who desperately wants to live again. So he turns to supernatural P.I. Sylvie Lightner to rid him of the spirit-a spirit she finds strangely familiar.

Brunner the Bounty Hunter: Omnibus CL Werner (Games Workshop)

Omnibus edition collecting all three novels in the Brunner the Bounty Hunter series. Dark and savage tales set in the world of Warhammer, by author C.L. Werner.

Bewitched & Betrayed (Raine Benares) Lisa Shearin (Ace)

Raine Benares is a seeker. She finds lost things and missing people- usually alive. But now she's been bonde with the Saghred, a soul- stealing stone of unlimited power, and must hunt down its escapees. Especially since one of them is also hunting her...

Amazon Queen (Amazons, Book 2) Lori Devoti (Pocket Books)

Being an Amazon ruler just became a royal pain.Amazon queen Zery Kostovska has never questioned tribe traditions. After all, these rules have kept the tribe strong for millennia and enabled them to live undetected, even in modern-day America. Zery is tough, fair, commanding—the perfect Amazon leader.At least, she was. A new high priestess with a penchant for secrecy and technology is threatening Zery’s rule. Plus, with the discovery of the Amazon sons, males with the same skills as their female counterparts, even Zery can’t deny that the tribe must change. But how? Some want to cooperate with the sons. Others believe brutal new leadership is needed—and are willing to kill to make it happen.Once, Zery’s word was law. Now, she has no idea who to trust, especially with one powerful Amazon son making her question all her instincts. For Zery, tribe comes first, but the battle drawing near is unlike any she’s faced before . . . and losing might cost her both the tribe and her life.

New In Sci-Fi

Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Outcast Aaron Allston (Lucas Books)

Does a new start for the Galactic Alliance mark the beginning of the fall of the Jedi Order?

After a violent civil war and the devastation wrought by the now fallen Darth Caedus, the Galactic Alliance is in crisis. From all corners, politicians, power brokers, and military leaders converge on Coruscant for a crucial summit to restore order and determine the future of their unified worlds. But even more critical, and far more uncertain, is the future of the Jedi.

In a shocking move, Chief of State Natasi Daala orders the arrest of Luke Skywalker for failing to prevent Jacen Solo’s turn to the dark side and his subsequent reign of terror as a Sith Lord. But it’s only the first blow in an anti-Jedi backlash fueled by a hostile government and suspicious public. Negotiating his freedom in exchange for his exile from the Jedi Order, Luke, with his son, Ben, at his side, sets out to unravel the shocking truth behind Jacen Solo’s corruption and downfall. But the secrets Luke uncovers may bring his quest—and life as he knows it—to a sudden end. And all the while, another Jedi Knight, consumed by madness, is headed to Coruscant on a fearsome mission that could devastate the entire galaxy.

Star Trek: The Children of Kings David Stern (Star Trek Books)

A distress call goes out from a Federation outpost near the Klingon border. The U.S.S. Enterprise, under the command of Captain Christopher Pike, responds. Starbase 18 lies in ruin. There are no survivors. And there is no clue as to who is responsible for the attack, until Captain Pike’s brilliant science officer discovers a means of retrieving parts of the station’s log.
Lieutenant Spock has detected signs of a unique energy signature, one that he believes is Klingon. There are unsubstantiated reports that the Klingon Empire has made a technological leap forward and created a cloaking device—code-named Black Snow Seven—that can shield their ships from even the most advanced sensors. The destruction of the base and the unique energy signature that remains prove that the Empire has succeeded.

For generations the Orions have been known as pirates,operating at the margins, outside of legal conventions. A proud and powerful race, the Orions were once a major force in the sector, and they have been using the tension between the Klingon Empire and the Federation to rebuild their power. Captain Pike is charged with trying to foster cooperation between the Orions and the Federation. A distress call from an Orion vessel offers him the perfect opportunity. But the Orion ship lies in disputed space long claimed by the Klingon Empire, and crossing it could be the spark that sets off an interstellar war.

The Noise Within Ian Whates (Solaris)

On the brink of perfecting the long sought-after human/AI interface, Philip Kaufman finds his world thrown into turmoil as a scandal from the past returns to haunt him and dangerous information falls into his hands. Pursued by assassins and attacked in his own home, he flees. Leyton, a government black-ops specialist, is diverted from his usual duties to hunt down the elusive pirate vessel The Noise Within, wondering all the while why this particular freebooter is considered so important. Two lives collide in this stunning space-opera from debut novelist Ian Whates!

Legends of the Space Marines Christian Dunn (Games Workshop)

Space Marines and their evil counterparts, the Traitor Marines, epitomisr the wartorn. Warhammer 40,000 universe. This short story collection focuses entirely on these superhuman warrior, telling high-action tales of heroism and savagery. Combining the talents of Black Library favorite authors such as Mike Lee and Nick Kyme with hot new talent, this collection is not to be missed.

Haze ~ L. E. Modesitt Jr (Tor)

What lies beneath the fog of the millions of orbiting nanotech satellites that shroud the world called Haze?

Major Keir Roget’s mission is to make planetfall in secret, find out, and report back to his superiors in the Federation, the Chinese-dominated government that rules Earth and the colonized planets.

Now, scouting Haze, he finds a culture both seemingly familiar, yet frighteningly alien, with hints of a technology far superior to that of the Federation. Yet he is not quite certain how much of what he sees is real–or how to convey a danger he cannot even prove to his superiors, if he can escape the planet...

The Essential Wonder Woman Encyclopedia (Del Rey)

She’s as beautiful as Aphrodite and as wise as Athena, stronger then Hercules and swifter than Hermes. Blessed at birth by the gods themselves, Princess Diana left an idyllic island paradise ruled by wise and brave women to bring the peace, love, and nobility of the Amazons to the tumultuous world of humankind. In January 1942, Wonder Woman took the world of comics—and its pantheon of superpowered males—by storm. Wielding her impervious silver bracelets and golden Lasso of Truth, she’s battled forces of evil from the Axis powers to a slew of super-villains worldwide, teamed up with the likes of Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, and the Flash, and become a high-flying feminist icon and pop-culture superstar. Now, for the first time in more than thirty years, here’s a definitive A-to-Z volume that draws together all the knowledge about the star-spangled, action-packed history of Wonder Woman. In more than 400 fact-packed pages you’ll find

• the complete story of Wonder Woman’s origins, as imagined and reinterpreted by generations of comics writers—including her groundbreaking creator, William Moulton Marston
• biographies of every major character in Wonder Woman’s universe, including her mother, Hippolyta; sister, Donna Troy; and mortal ally Steve Trevor—as well as such classic foes as Ares, Cheetah, Hades, and the members of Villainy Inc.
• classic black-and-white comic book artwork throughout
• two sixteen-page full-color artwork inserts—plus a dazzling original cover illustration by fan-favorite artist Adam Hughes

Written by veteran Wonder Woman artist and writer Phil Jimenez and comics historian John Wells, The Essential Wonder Woman Encyclopedia is the ultimate archive, proving that die-hard devotees of the gorgeous go-to goddess don’t have to visit Paradise Island for a taste of heaven on earth.

Darwin's Bastards: Astounding Tales from Tomorrow (Douglas & McIntyre)

These 23 stories take us on a twisted fun ride into some future times and parallel universes where characters as diverse as a one-legged International Actuarial Forensics specialist, a pharmaceutical guinea pig, and a far-sighted fetus engage in their own games of the survival of the fittest. From a new short story by William Gibson in which a teen disassociated from his body haunts his neighborhood through the decades, to Douglas Coupland’s balls-out satire of a slightly futuristic Survivor, to Sheila Heti's meditative romp about beleaguered physicists and Oracle of Delphi-like Blackberrys, Darwin’s Bastards is a fast-moving, thought-provoking reading extravaganza.

Counterstrike: The Last World War, Book 2 Dayton Ward (Pocket)

COUNTERSTRIKE When the alien war engulfing a distant planet spilled to Earth through a network of hidden portals, humankind was plunged into an apocalyptic, generations-old conflict between the Plysserians and the Chodrecai. Now, months after Earth’s most powerful military forces formed a tenuous alliance with the Plysserians and countered a devastating, three-pronged Chodrecai offensive, alien survivors continue to wreak havoc on a shell-shocked Earth. Martial law and civil unrest run rampant. Resistance cells and pockets of Chodrecai sympathizers are gathering strength. And two U.S. Marines—Sergeant Major Simon DiCarlo and Sergeant Belinda Russell— remain trapped on the alien planet of Jontashreena. Now, as human and Plysserian scientists and engineers race to unlock the intergalactic portals and harvest alien technology, Earth prepares for the most explosive battle for its existence. Joining the war effort are recruits like young Colin Laney, who will advance from Marine boot camp to the forefront of a massive invasion on alien terrain—with the fate of two worlds hanging in the balance.

Ares Express Ian McDonald (Pyr TPB)

A Mars of the imagination, like no other, in a colourful, witty SF novel; Taking place in the kaleidoscopic future of Ian McDonald's Desolation Road, Ares Express is set on a terraformed Mars where fusion-powered locomotives run along the network of rails that is the planet's circulatory system and artificial intelligences reconfigure reality billions of times each second. One young woman, Sweetness Octave Glorious-Honeybun Asiim 12th, becomes the person upon whom the future - or futures - of Mars depends. Big, picaresque, funny; taking the Mars of Ray Bradbury and the more recent, terraformed Marses of authors such as Kim Stanley Robinson and Greg Bear, Ares Express is a wild and woolly magic-realist SF novel, featuring lots of bizarre philosophies, strange, mind-stretching ideas and trains as big as city blocks.

New In Horror

Empire of Salt: Tomes of the Dead Weston Ochse (Abaddon)

The Olivers have a chance to make a new home at Salton Sea. Looking forward to California fun, sun and adventure they are unprepared for the ecological devastation they find. The sea is rotting, the town of Bombay Beach is dying and the citizens are like bait, waiting to be plucked from their homes by what comes from the sea. Beware the coming of the green, they say. Beware the coming of the night.

Sparrow Rock Nate Kenyon (Leisure Horror)

Pete, whose troubled past is revealed in a series of clichéd anecdotes, narrates the story of a small group of high school students who survive a sudden and largely unexplained catastrophic nuclear war thanks to what at first seems to be pure luck but later proves to be something darker. The teens soon realize that survival involves not just waiting out the radioactive fallout but overcoming the profound, possibly deliberate ecological changes it incurs, including undead rats and man-eating ants.

The Complete Drive-In Joe R. Lansdale (Underland Press)

Friday night at the Orbit Drive-in: a circus of noise, sex, teenage hormones, B-movie blood, and popcorn. On a cool, crisp summer night, with the Texas stars shining down like rattlesnake eyes, movie-goers for the All-Night Horror Show are trapped in the drive-in by a demonic-looking comet. Then the fun begins. If the movie-goers try to leave, their bodies dissolve into goo. Cowboys are reduced to tears. Lovers quarrel. Bikini-clad women let their stomachs’ sag, having lost the ambition to hold them in. The world outside the six monstrous screens fades to black while the movie-goers spiral into base humanity, resorting to fighting, murdering, crucifying, and cannibalizing to survive. Part dark comedy part horror show, Lansdale's cult Drive-In books are as shocking and entertaining today as they were 20 years ago.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Astrological Signs

A lot of people race to the horoscope section to find out what the stars have in mind for them. While astrology makes life fun, it’s vague and generic. So many people find truth in their horoscopes because all horoscopes contain elements of personality and behavior. Most people will be able to find something that relates to their lives, or something to identify with, in their zodiac personality or horoscope because it’s all generic.

My hairdresser in Madrid liked to make idle chat with me and during a conversation about my boyfriend at the time, asked me what his zodiac sign was. Because I’m not great with astrology, I mistakenly told him the wrong sign. He grabbed onto it as explanation for all of the phenomena of my boyfriend’s personality and behavior, as well as our relationship. I told my boyfriend that night about the amazing coincidence, that his zodiac sign coincided perfectly with his personality. He started laughing and let me know about my zodiac error. The two of us laughed together over the incident and I realized again why so many people rely on astrology. It explains everyone!

If you’re looking for real insight on personality and behavior patterns, I recommend Enneagram. It’s analyzed personality into nine basic types. Each person will likely identify most strongly with one of these nines, and will then have sub-types as well. When I began reading about the various personalities, I realized immediately which type pertained to me.

Unlike astrology and zodiac signs, enneagram is based on observation of human behavior, personality traits and psychology. Once you figure out which personality type you are, enneagram will give you a full report of your personality strengths and weaknesses. You can also find out about what to be aware of in yourself and even begin making changes to improve on your weaknesses. If you find you’re a constant over-achiever, for example, enneagram may help you see where you’re need to always be the best comes from and how to keep it in check so that you don’t go over board.

Many of us consult the zodiac for relationships on advice, which signs are most compatible and what you might expect from a connection with someone according to sign. Enneagram has analyzed all of the potential type combinations for dating and romance, giving us a fuller understanding of how to make our relationships work and how to get along with conflicting personality types.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Nokia Handphone Smartphone

Android Apk Hp Nokia has launched three new handsets: the Nokia C3, Nokia C6 and the Nokia E5. These three new cameras are aimed, according to the Finnish brand, “to make access to email, instant messaging, chat and social networks in mobility to a large number of people around the world and at affordable prices .
These new handsets incorporate full QWERTY keyboards.

The Nokia C3 is equipped with a 2.4-inch color display and a 2 megapixel camera. It features WiFi connectivity and supports memory cards with up to 8 GB is the first mobile with a QWERTY keyboard on the complete platform for mobile phones the most popular world series 40. Thus, it is the first in line to offer access to social networks directly from the home screen. Users can view, comment, update their status and even reference and share pictures and videos on their favorite social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.
The C3 includes Ovi and Ovi Mail Chat: novice users can configure email accounts and chat directly from the mobile without using a PC.

The Nokia C6 is a Smartphone based on Symbian combining the advantages of a touchscreen of 3.2 inches to a full sliding keyboard. The screen allows easy access to the Internet and Facebook flows directly from the home screen.
With a full suite of messaging capabilities and social network, the device allows users who wish to maintain while traveling.
The C6 features a 5 megapixel camera with high quality autofocus and flash, and the application Ovi pedestrian navigation maps and free roadside. In addition, thousands of applications (games and videos to aggregators and web services) are available on Ovi Store.

The Nokia E5 is the latest in the Nokia Eseries, based on Symbian. It has been designed for users who want to be productive in their personal lives as in their professional lives. “It integrates all the tools a professional would expect from a Smartphone, features professional high quality at a full set of entertainment features and personal network,” Nokia said in a statement.
Thanks to the various productivity applications available in the Store Ovi, Nokia E5 is ideal for managing busy diaries. It also has application Ovi pedestrian navigation maps and free roadside

The Nokia C3 and C6 should be marketed in the second quarter of 2010 while the Nokia E5 will be available during the third quarter of 2010.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Obat Bagi Wanita

Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (Badan POM) mengawasi peredaran obat tradisional dengan merek dagang Po Chai Pills, menyusul penarikan dari pasaran produk serupa dalam bentuk kapsul oleh Singapore’s Health Sciences Authority (HSA).

Kepala Badan POM Kustantinah mengatakan obat Po Chai Pills juga beredar di Indonesia, namun dalam bentuk sediaan pil, bukan kapsul. Produk dalam bentuk kapsul tidak terdaftar di sini. Produk pil tersebut terdaftar di Indonesia dengan nomor registrasi POM TI 004 400 941, diproduksi oleh Li Chung Shing Tong (Holdings) Ltd, Hong Kong, diimpor dan didistribusikan oleh PT Perdana Sakti Indonesia.

“Obat Po Chai Pills yang ditarik di Singapura adalah dalam bentuk sediaan kapsul, sedangkan yang beredar di Indonesia dalam bentuk sediaan pil,” ujarnya di Jakarta, hari ini.

Menurut dia, obat yang ditarik dari peredaran oleh HSA adalah Po Chai Pills dalam bentuk sediaan kapsul karena dideteksi mengandung bahan kimia obat phenolphthalein dan sibutramine, sedangkan Po Chai Pills dalam bentuk sedian pil tidak terdeteksi mengandung bahan kimia obat; Meski demikian, lanjut Kustantinah, Badan POM tetap akan meningkatkan pengawasan di pasaran terhadap kemungkinan beredarnya Po Chai Pills dalam bentuk sediaan kapsul/tidak terdaftar.

Selain itu, Badan POM juga akan melakukan sampling/pengambilan contoh Po Chai Pills yang terdaftar di Indonesia dari seluruh jaringan distribusi untuk dilakukan analisis/pengujian laboratorium dari kemungkinan mengandung bahan kimia obat yang dilarang ditambahkan dalam obat tradisional. “Kami juga mengimbau kepada masyarakat untuk lebih berhati-hati dalam membeli dan mengkonsumsi obat tradisional dan produk lainnya, dengan memperhatikan penandaan dan informasi yang tercantum dalam kemasan.”

Saturday, April 17, 2010

falls slightly

Justify FullVermont's unemployment rate dipped slightly last month to 6.5 percent. But the jobs picture remains cloudy.

The state usually sheds a few hundred jobs in March as seasonal jobs end, but this March Vermont lost over 2,600 jobs-- an indication the economy is still struggling to rebound.

"There wasn't any sector that had significant positive job growth. It was really an across the board decline which is depressing, usually we see some sectors increase, some decreasing. Even the health care sector, which usually is growing, we lost jobs there as well," economist Art Woolf said.

Unemployment rates for Vermont's 17 labor market areas ranged from 5.2 percent in Hartford to 11.3 percent in Newport.

There are some glimmers of hope that Arizona’s bleak employment picture is improving overall, but not in the construction sector.

Arizona posted the third-worst percentage of job losses among the states for construction jobs, losing 19.9 percent of those jobs between March 2009 and March 2010, the Associated General Contractors reported Friday.

Nevada lost 30 percent of its construction work force and Colorado 20.3 percent during the same time frame.

California lost the largest number of construction jobs during that period: 108,500, representing 16.3 percent of its total, according to AGC.

The AGC numbers come a day after the Arizona Commerce Department reported that Arizona lost 2,300 construction jobs in March.

The state’s private sector added a net 7,300 jobs in March, despite the construction losses. Most of those gains were in lower-wage sectors, such as tourism and administrative support positions.
Number of jobs lost

A sampling of construction job gains (losses), March 2009 to March 2010:

Arizona: (28,000)

Florida: (57,000)

Texas: (78,100)

California: (108,500)

North Dakota: 100

Arkansas: 300

Source: Associated General Contractors

Percentage of jobs lost

Percentage losses in construction jobs, March 2009 to March 2010:

Nevada: 30 percent

Colorado: 20.3 percent

Arizona: 19.9 percent

California: 16.3 percent

Source: Associated General Contractors

Read more: Arizona posts third-worst percentage loss in construction jobs - Phoenix Business Journal:

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

World Cup 2010

The front page of the Daily Star on Monday warned England soccer fans headed for the World Cup that they faced a "bloodbath".

Not only has the newspaper received a backlash from outraged South Africans, but at least six complaints - two from UK residents and four from South Africans - have been lodged with the UK's Press Complaints Commission (PCC).

The Daily Star has described the response as "hysterical".

The article written by Steve Hughes on Monday is headlined ''World Cup War: Machete Threat to England Fans".

The story centres on race tensions in the country following last week's murder of the AWB leader and claims South Africa is on the brink of a "full-blown race war" with "machete gangs ... roaming the streets".

It suggests the World Cup is under threat of being moved to another country or cancelled, quoting an unnamed Fifa source saying it would be a "total nightmare" if civil war broke out.

A second inflammatory story two days later warned that the AWB was signing up an ''army of new recruits" and that World Cup officials were drawing up emergency plans.

One of the complainants to the PCC, a 32-year-old South African working in London, accused the Daily Star of running a ''sensationalist story without quoting any named or credible or official sources to back up their 'civil war' and 'machete' claims".

In an official complaint filed with the PCC, a copy of which she sent to the Sunday Times, she wrote: ''Amazingly, they don't quote on record a single Fifa official or SA government official to justify the story which is presented as fact ...

"It's ultimately very damaging to SA, all its people and the World Cup," she wrote.

Journalist Steve Hughes who wrote the story, refused to discuss the source.

"Given the hysterical response to this story, and the personal insults thrown at me by South African respondents, it is also clearly unsafe for me to reveal my sources, even if I was inclined to."

World Cup Local Organising Committee spokesman Rich Mhkondo dismissed the articles as ''garbage".

''We regard it as a joke and a waste of time for us to comment ... It's the worst form of gutter journalism," he said.

The Democratic Alliance said it was an unashamed attempt to put off British tourists.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Polish President Dies

Poland President Died - Polish President Lech Kaczynski and dozens of political figures died Saturday in a plane crash in Russia, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

Lech Kaczynski and his wife were among the dozens killed when their official plane came down in dense fog as it approached the airport in Smolensk in the west of Russia.

The victims included Polish politicians, religious figures, anti- communist icons and much of the country's military leadership. All were on their way to Katyn, to mark the 70th anniversary of the Soviet massacre of some 22,000 Polish officers during World War II.

Poland's TVN 24 reported no survivors to the crash, citing the mayor of Smolensk. The governor of the Russian region of Smolensk confirmed that Kaczynski was on board the plane and had died, reported Interfax.

It was not immediately clear how many people were on board the Tupolev TU-154. First reports spoke of 132, but officials said later there were 80 passengers and a crew of seven.

The aircraft, painted in the official Polish colours of red and white, reportedly struck trees and caught fire, scattering wreckage over a wooded area.

Russian television showed footage of firemen dousing the flames of the burning fuselage. Investigators were trying to determine the cause of the crash, which was recorded at 10:50 am (0650 GMT).

Among those on board were Ryszard Kaczorowski, the last Polish president in exile, Jerzy Szmajdzinski, vice-marshal of parliament, Wladyslaw Stasiak, head of the president's chancellery, Deputy Foreign Minister Andrzej Kremer and the chief of the general staff Franciszek Gagor.

The "nation's elite" died, said former President Lech Walesa when hearing news of the accident.

Planned ceremonies in Katyn were called off. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev set up a special commission to investigate the crash, headed by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

"This is on an unimaginable scale," said Wojciech Olejniczak, a member of the European Parliament, on TVN 24.

Prime Minister Donald Tusk, who broke into tears upon hearing the news, called an emergency meeting of his cabinet in Warsaw to discuss developments.

The portly 60-year-old president, who was elected to president in 2005, gained the national limelight at the age of 13 when he and his twin brother Jaroslav starred in the children's film called About Those Two Who Stole The Moon.

Kaczynski and his brother founded the right-wing Law and Justice (PiS) party, which preached national values and adopted a strident law and order approach.

Jaroslav Kaczynski served as prime minister from 2006-2007.

Under the Polish constitution, the president of parliament, Bronislaw Komorowski, will take over the duties of head of state until a new president is elected.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Wawancara Tiger Woods ‎

Tiger Woods Masters - Berikut ini transkrip wawancara dengan Tiger Woods yang dilakukan Golf Channel dan disiarkan Minggu (21/3):

Reporter yang mewawancarai Woods adalah Kelly Tilghman.

Q: Tiger, Anda selama ini begitu awas mengontrol diri Anda sendiri sepanjang hidup, mengapa terakhir kali Anda kehilangan kontrol diri?

Tiger Woods: Bila kita melawan nilai dalam diri kita, maka kita akan kehilangan arah. Saya meninggalkan meditasi saya, saya mundur dari kehidupan sifat-sifat seorang Buddhis dan hidup saya menjadi lain. Saya merasa tidak memilih arah, tidak seperti yang selama ini saya rasakan. Akibatnya, saya melukai hati banyak orang karena sikap saya yang tidak seperti biasanya dan karena watak saya yang berubah.

Q: Apa Anda tidak merasakan ada momen untuk tidak melakukan yang tidak Anda inginkan?

Woods: Yeah, Saya mencoba menghentikannya tetapi tidak bisa. Ini amat mengerikan.

Q: Bagi pria yang memiliki displin kuat secara lahirian dan batiniah, mengapa Anda tidak mengatakan seperti itu?

Woods: Saya tidak tahu, sekarang saya tahu. Ini merupakan bagian pembelajaran saya, setelah hilang 45 hari amat banyak pelajaran yang didapat. Anda menyingkirkan penampilan itu, merasionalisasi dan tiba pada kebenaran dan kebenaran itu amat menyakitkan, karena ia selalu menyaksikan kita yang selalu tidak mengakui diri kita sendiri.

Q: Turnamen Masters sedang menunggu Anda, bagaimana Anda mengetahui secara mental siap untuk mengikutinya?

Woods: Saya amat takjub muncul lagi dan bermain. Saya kehilangan permainan, saya kehilangan pertandingan. Saya belum siap bermain di Tavistock atau di Bay Hill. Saya sampaikan itu kepada Joe (Lewis, ketua Grup Tavistock) juga kepada Arnold (Palmer). Saya ingin bermain dalam kedua event tersebut tetapi saya merasa belum siap. Saya mencoba melakukan pesiapan. Hank dan saya memulai kerja lagi dan mencoba segala sesuatunya berjalan lancar seperti sebelumnya.

Q: Bagaimana Anda merasakan bahwa Anda sudah siap mengikuti turnamen Masters?

Woods: Saya mencoba memulai memiliki perasaan bertanding lagi. Saya tahu bagaimana bermain golf dan ini amat membantu. Saya hanya ingin bermain lagi.

Q: Bagaimana efek terapi untuk jadwal 2010? Saya kira Anda sudah tidak sabar menunggu hasilnya.

Woods: Yeah, saya akan menjalani lebih banyak terapi dan pengobatan pada musim ini. Sepanjang jadwal program saya berjalan terus, saya tidak tahu apa yang akan terjadi, Kelly. Tahun lalu saya tidak tahu akan ada cedera pada kaki saya. Saya bahkan tidak tahu apa yang akan saya lakukan. Masih tidak pasti; dan tahun ini pun saya tidak tahu apa yang akan terjadi. Ini memang sedikit mengganggu, karena saya tidak suka dengan apa yang tidak saya ketahui. Tapi apa yang saya tuju adalah menjadi orang yang lebih baik dan untuk itu saya menjalani lebih banyak pengobatan.

Q: Ada dikenal sebagai pegolf handal di dunia ini tetapi Anda akhirnya menjadi pemain yang dibicarakan dari sisi kehidupan keluarga Anda. Bagaimana Anda merasakan hal ini?

Woods: Rasanya menyakitkan, tetapi sekali lagi, saya mengetahui itu karena perbuatan saya. Saya orang yang melakukannya dan saya memikirkannya dengan kesadaran penuh. Saya dapat mengerti mengapa orang mengatakan ini sebagai perubahan dari diri saya. Sebagai manusia, sulit dimengerti mengapa saya melakukan hal itu. Sekarang saya memutar ulang apa yang sudah saya lakukan.

Q: Amerika mengetahui bahwa seorang pegolf terbesar tergeletak ditahan tanpa mengenakan sepatu pada pukul 2.30 dini hari, berdarah, apa yang terjadi malam itu?

Woods: Semua itu ada dalam laporan kepada polisi. Mereka memeriksa hal itu dan mempublikasikan hasilnya kepada publik. Banyak orang mengetahui tentang saya dari Elin dan saya kira itu lebih baik tercatat secara pribadi.

Q: Bagaimana terjadinya kecelakaan mobil itu?

Woods: Saya tidak melaju terlalu cepat, tetapi sayang, akhirnya saya tabrak berbagai hal.

Q: Dilaporkan bahwa beberapa anggota tim Anda, lingkaran dalam kehidupan Anda, terlibat dan melakukan hal salah dalam masalah ini? Apakah itu benar?

Woods: Itu tidak benar. Ini semua tentang saya. Saya satu-satunya yang melakukan hal itu, saya bereaksi atas apa yang saya lakukan, tidak ada seorang pun yang mentahui masalahnya. Saya yakin bila lebih banyak orang yang mengetahuinya tentang kehidupan pribadi saya. mereka pun tidak akan mencampurinya...atau mereka tidak akan mencoba menghentikannya. Saya yang mengetahui semuanya.

Q: Bagaimana hubungan perkawinan Anda dengan Elin saat ini?

Woods: Kami sedang membicarakannya dan hal itu dalam proses dan hal itu merupakan masalah pribadi saya dengan dia.

Q: Bila ayah Anda di sini sekarang dan menyaksikan apa yang terjadi dalam empat bulan terakhir ini, apa kira-kira yang akan dikatakannya?

Woods: Ia pasti amat kecewa dengan saya. Tapi kami berdua akan terlibat dalam pembicaraan panjang. Tapi inilah masalahnya, saya kehilangan tuntunannya. Bila ia ada tentu ia akan membantu saya dan menguatkan saya kembali. Saya tahu ia akan melakukan hal itu.

Q: Kira-kira apa yang dikatakannya, menurut Anda?

Woods: Saya tidak dapat mengatakannya, tetapi ia selau amat menjurus. Ia mungkin akan berkata, kamu butuh jalan hidup kembali ke arah yang benar.

Q: Bagi orangtua yang mengamati kamu sebagai model, apakah yang akan Anda katakan agar mereka kembali mempercayai Anda?

Woods: Kelihatannya waktunya sudah lewat. Saya yang harus bereaksi atas diri saya sendiri. Saya harus memberi arti pada waktu yang sudah lewat ini. Saya akan meneruskan melakukan hal itu.

Q: Bagaimana Anda menjelaskan hal ini suatu hari pada anak-anak Anda, ketika mereka sudah cukup usia untuk memahaminya?

Woods: Saya akan menjelaskannya kepada mereka sembari duduk dan ini tidak hanya satu kali. Akan saya jelaskan pada mereka berkali-kali. Tidak ada orang yang akan menjelaskan hal itu, itu merupakan tanggung jawab saya. Pembicaraan itu memang perlu dilakukan.

Q: Berdasar apa yang sudah terjadi, apa selanjutnya yang ingin Anda lakukan?

Woods: Seperti yang sudah saya katakan, saya merasa bahwa golf merupakan kendaraan saya untuk menolong banyak orang. Ayah saya selalu mengatakan suatu hal yang saya tidak begitu mengerti sampai hari ini. Untuk membantu orang lain, pertama kali kamu harus belajar cara membantu dirimu sendiri. Ketika berada di pusat pengobatakan selama 45 hari, saya belajar banyak. Saya memahami bagaimana cara menolong diri saya sendiri. Saya belajar bagaimana menolong diri sendiri, itulah makanya saya dapat menolong orang yang jatuh di jalanan.

Q: Saya lihat Anda memakai gelang, dapatkan kita melihatnya?

Woods: Yeah.

Q: Apa artinya ini?

Woods: Itu Buddha, ini merupakan perlindungan dan kekuatan dan saya yakin saya membutuhkan itu.

Q: Kapan Anda mulai memakai gelang ini?

Woods: Sebelum saya melakukan pengobatan.

Q: Apakah Anda akan mengenakan ini selama mengikuti turnamen Masters?

Woods: Tentu saja.

Q: Untuk sisa hidup Anda?

Woods: Tentu saja.

Q: Tiger, terima kasih.

Woods: Terima kasih, Kel. (Ant/Reuters/OL-04)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Pidato Mega, SBY Hormati PDIP

Pidato Megawati - Untuk saat ini, Presiden SBY enggan menanggapi pidato Ketua Umum PDIP Megawati Soekarnoputri di Kongres III PDIP, Selasa (6/4).

SBY hanya 'angkat topi' terhadap Megawati dan keluarga besar PDIP yang tengah menggelar Kongres III di Bali. Ketua Umum Dewan Pembina Partai Demokrat ini berjanji buka suara soal pidato Megawati.

"Tidak tepat dan tidak pas dinyatakan di sini, nanti ada tempatnya," ujar SBY dalam jumpa pers di Bandara Halim Perdana Kusuma, Jakarta, Rabu (7/4).

Seperti diketahui, Megawati mengkritik pemerintahan SBY-Boediono. Ia menyatakan, pemerintah saat ini kacau.

Menurut Mega, pengelolaan pemerintah saat ini menunjukkan wataknya yang semakin menjauhi nilai-nilai Pancasila sebagai ideologi bangsa.

Kecenderungan menciptakan semakin banyak lembaga menyebabkan fragmentasi pemerintahan yang serius.

Salah satu bukti dari terjadinya kekacauan pengelolaan pemerintah adalah kasus Bank Century. Kasus ini adalah salah satu puncak gunung es dari kekacauan tata kelola pemerintahan.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Alumni Jurusan Tafsir Hadis

Prof D. Arifuddin Ahmad, Pembantu Dekan Bidang Akademik Fakultas Ushuluddin UIN Alauddin Makassar, meminta alumni Tafsir Hadis diangkat menjadi PNS dilingkungan Departemen Agama.

Ketua Badan Kontak Pemuda dan Remaja Masjid Indonesia (BKPRMI) Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan ini juga meminta agar pendidikan agama diberikan program pendidikan gratis.

Pernyataan tersebut disampaikan langsung kepada Menteri Agama RI, Suryadarma Ali, ketika tampil sebagai pemakalah dalam seminar nasional Pendidikan Islam di Kampus UIN Alauddin, Samata Gowa.

Disamping Menteri Agama, setelah ini dijadwalkan pula Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi, Muhaimin Iskandar membawakan makalah berjudul Pendidikan Islam dan Prospek Dunia Kerja

Friday, April 2, 2010

Relief Borobudur Terkuak Asal Usulnya ‎

Sejak ditemukan oleh Thomas Stanford Raffles sekitar dua abad silam, hingga kini para ahli belum dapat mengungkap sepenuhnya asal gambar yang terukir di relief candi Borobudur, Magelang, Jawa Tengah.

Guru Besar Fakultas Ilmu Antropologi Universitas Indonesia Profesor Nurhadi Magetsari mengatakan, dari 160 panil relief yang ada di bagian kaki candi, hanya 30 relief yang telah terpecahkan asal-muasalnya. “Sisanya belum tahu, diambil dari mana,” kata Nurhadi dalam sebuah acara di Candi Borobudur, pada Jumat siang tadi.

Menurut Nurhadi, cerita pada 30 panil relief itu diambil dari Sutra, kitab suci agama Buddha dari aliran Mahayana. Selebihnya, para ahli belum menemukan dari mana cerita yang terpahat di panil relief sisanya.

Belum terpecahkannya gambar di 130 panil relief itu, tutur Nurhadi, justru dapat diperoleh gambaran kelengkapan literatur yang dimiliki para Bhiksu saat Borobudur dibangun pada 12 abad silam.

Nurhadi menggambarkan, ada tiga aliran dalam agama Buddha yang berkembang saat ini. Aliran Theravada, Mahayana, dan Tantrayana. Masing-masing aliran ini memiliki kitab rujukan.

Sekitar 12 abad silam, saat Borobudur dibangun, Nurhadi memperkirakan kitab dan literatur rujukan yang dipelajari umat Budha tentu banyak sekali jumlahnya. Sehingga para Bhiksu memiliki sumber cerita yang kaya untuk dipahatkan di panil relief. Kitab dan rujukan inilah yang hingga kini belum dapat dicocokan dengan seluruh panil di kaki candi.

Nurhadi menyatakan, meski kajian tentang Borobudur telah dilakukan sejak 100 tahun lalu, belum semua bisa dituntaskan. Sehingga, bagi dia, Borobudur tetap menarik secara akademis. “(Borobudur) seperti Universitas, sumber kajian akademis,” katanya.

Balai Konservasi Peninggalan Borobudur mencatat ada 1.460 panil relief di candi Borobudur. Sebanyak 160 di antaranya berada di kaki candi dan disebut dengan relief Karmawibangga. Saat ini, relief itu telah tertutup batu candi. Adapun sisanya, sebanyak 1.300 merupakan relief Jataka, Lalitavistara, Avadana dan Gandawyuha. Relief-relief tersebut berada di bagian atas relief Karmawibangga.

Kepala Balai Konservasi Marsis Sutopo mengatakan, candi Borobudur dibangun dalam empat tahap, mulai tahapan bangunan bertingkat atau berundak, pembangunan stupa utama, pemasangan stupa lebih kecil di sekelilingnya dan relief, serta yang terakhir penyempurnaan. “Borobudur itu dibangun di atas sebuah bukit dan tanah urug,” ujar Marsis menjelaskan.

Menurut Marsis, penutupan relief Karmawibangga dilakukan pada tahap keempat pembangunan candi dan berfungsi sebagai pengikat struktur bangunan candi agar tak berubah.