Sunday, May 23, 2010

Nonton TV Online

Nonton TV Online - Most people live in a beautiful dream, to depend on things that they thought could make them rich. However, you need to know how to keep your money is used properly. Here are some errors in the use of their money and also tricks to get around it:

1. Falling in love ... with your investment

The good thing if you love someone, but love the stock will lead to trouble for you. Some clients from Laura Tarbox, a financial planner, based on stock market because they feel these works to the company's stock so they would feel disloyal if you sell it. Laura Tarbox suggest that this should not be allowed continue. Do not let your wealth locked up in one stock more than 10%.

2. Chasing a fantasy

"The state of the past is not an indication of future reality." It is the appropriate sentence but not all people who believe in the phrase. The players share, for example, or someone who lost the business that suffered a loss, generally falling in the mud and could not get up again. They poured out their wealth to pursue the dream / fantasy that they had in mind so that when they fall, they are increasingly drowning. Such people need to know that if you fail now, you can achieve success next day.

3. Equate "Sales Promotion" with "Good Price"

Take for example there are two television are sold, they are the same specifications and price, suppose the USD 1 million. However, in one of the TV originally listed price of Rp. 1.5 million. Which do you prefer? You must select the TV from USD 1.5 million to Rp. 1 million, right? The other fact that television is a lot of television recommendations. Why did you choose a TV that is being sold promo? Very simple, because being in a cheaper price.

In fact, the USD. USD 1 million remains. 1 million. Just because there is information on USD. 1.5 million were given a cross and replaced by Rp. 1 million, it does not mean that you either spend money to get it. Next time, if you want to buy something, remember whether the object is aligned with its value price, whether you need it, or maybe you can find other similar items but with a lower price.

4. "Revenge"

You do not need these things, you do not even want to. But, no one can tell you what you should not buy. You like people who buy revenge goods without regard to your finances. If you're really hard to control it, talk with a financial adviser or your financial planner.

5. Owe

Number of people who have savings amounting to 2% instead of only those who have credit cards as many as 14%. Perhaps you'll argue that you need it for emergencies. There is no real reason for you to live in a state owes, either to banks or individuals. Anticipating emergencies that can occur at any time, you must be diligent saving your income regularly and wisely. That's the future of your assets. Maybe you still have a credit card, but you do not use it anymore, unless you had no way out.

6. Online Banking Insecurity

By rough calculation, half of the world population is already activated its online banking, where management and an easier time. The question now is, what the bank has online banking security? They put a lot of firewalls, such as the walls around us, they provide security guards to occupy places that could be broken into during the 24 / 7.

Now look at your mailbox may not be locked and guarded, it sought a thief. In fact, thieves can infiltrate and retrieve your confidential information via email or they slip into your online bank account. If you already do online banking, do not worry. Give your safety on the internet network and regularly check your financial data.

7. Hoard money

The Bible says, "There are those who hoard wealth but always short, but there is a spread wealth and life in abundance." This proves that when you give money to the needy, someday you will be given. That does not mean, your mind is why you were given only about giving. Does not mean you are wasteful and do not need to save more money.

Money, you tube to make you and those you love to feel secure and comfortable. It is very happy when you use that money for your family fun, take your child to a playground, fun with your parents take her out, or giving small gifts to those you love. Far more fun than if you're just going to give money after you close the age.

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